Seriously. Just... Stop what you're doing. Play this song. No. I'm not crying. You're crying. #RIPChristineMcVie #ChristineMcVie #FleetwoodMac #Rumours
#ripchristinemcvie #christinemcvie #fleetwoodmac #Rumours
@foundhistory Oh man. I made a #Tapestry reference to the HC team the other day and got a lot of ??? in response. Suddenly felt super old, as I explained how everyone in the continental US was issued their mandatory copy of the album in the late 70s.
Apropos of which, the first album I owned was Fleetwood Mac, #Rumours. A tough act to follow.
here's what they told me :
"we're all in and have full confidence in the success of the scientific community in building a decentralized social network"
#mastoadmin #Rumours #AlsoVeryTrue
here's what they told me :
"we're all in and have full confidence in the success of the scientific community in building a decentralized social network"
#mastoadmin #Rumours #AlsoVeryTrue
Pope Francis’s latest plans fuel rumours over resignation | Pope Francis | The Guardian #pope #franciss #latest #plans #fuel #rumours #over #resignation #francis #guardian #7giugno
#7giugno #guardian #francis #resignation #over #Rumours #fuel #plans #latest #franciss #pope
La angustia y la tensión en manos de artistas de fuste suele ser un canal creativo importante a la hora de componer una obra. Es el caso de #Rumours, el gran trabajo de #FleetwoodMac publicado el 4 de febrero de 1977. Es que la búsqueda obsesiva de la perfección era un bálsamo para la crisis que los integrantes sufrían entre sí: John y Christine McVie se encontraban en pleno proceso de divorcio mientras que Lindsey Buckingham y Stevie Nicks peleaban constantemente a pesar de ser pareja. Incluso el baterista, Mick Fleetwood, descubrió que su mujer lo engañaba. De ese lodazal de sensibilidad surgirían delicadas melodías que envuelven canciones precisas y sinceras donde la banda se reprocha lo que estaba pasando.
#Rumours #fleetwoodmac #EfemeridesRock
கொரோனா தடுப்பூசி பற்றிய வதந்திகளை மக்கள் நம்ப வேண்டாம்: அரவிந்த் கெஜ்ரிவால் வேண்டுகோள் #rumours #VaccineForIndia #vaccination
#vaccination #VaccineForIndia #Rumours