#Bitcoin unspendable.
Available on @_PyBlock_.
RT @raul_6102
The scarcity of #Bitcoin is tougher than you might think.
When Bitcoin is adopted globally, its scarcity will hit harder and faster than our minds can comprehend.
In this little weekend project I estimated how many people can own a full BTC? And 10? And 21?
La escasez de #Bitcoin es algo de lo que se debería analizar y escribir más
Con una facilidad increíble podemos #RuntheNumbers y conocer al momento la emisión de btc
#Bitcoin es maravilloso porque no deja nada fuera del control de las matemáticas
Interesante ejercicio de Raúl
RT @raul_6102
The scarcity of #Bitcoin is tougher than you might think.
When Bitcoin is adopted globally, its scarcity will hit harder and faster than our minds can comprehend.
In this little weekend project I estimated how many people can own a full BTC? And 10? And 21?
I #RunTheNumbers🧵
Así las cosas por España, ya verán el siguiente reporte, pasaremos del 10%, al 7% o al 6%
Lo que sea que eso signifique
Las cifras reales te las da el del pescado cuando le compras, o la frutería
Ese es el verdadero número de la inflación
#runthenumbers 😂😬
RT @danfmsg
La inflación oficial en España ya supera el 10%.
Pero hay buenas noticias. El gobierno de España está haciendo todo lo posible por reducir esta cifra: ha cesado al dir…
Happy #BitcoinPizzaDay. 🍕
The Merkle is to Block 57.043.
The Tx has 680.392 Confirmations.
Now in Height 737.435. #RunTheNumbers
Amount 10000.00000000 #Bitcoin
#bitcoin #RunTheNumbers #bitcoinpizzaday
If you have #zeroBaseFee and 100 ppm feerate still routing 9999 sat payments for free.
Where you would count on 100ppm your node charges nothing for 100*9999.
With 1 sat basefee you would get exactly 100 sats both when routing 1*999900 or 100*9999.
#runTheNumbers #lightning ⚡
RT @alexbosworth
LN routing policy rounds down percentage fees and the lowest ppm is 1, so sometimes you can get totally free routing just by using multi-pat…
#lightning #RunTheNumbers #zeroBaseFee
#RateSx. #Weather. (@igor_chubin)
#BWT. (@shesek)
#Matrix. (@gwidion)
#WARden. (@alphaazeta)
#Rebalance. (@c_otto83)
#RunTheNumbers. (@BashCo_)
#ColdCore. (@jamesob)
#ColdCore #RunTheNumbers #rebalance #warden #matrix #bwt #weather #RateSx