To those #Runecairn Fans who don't read their mails regularly😅
@byodinsbeardrpg just released an updated version (V1.1) of Runecairn: Wardensaga
4) Most RECENT game bought
#Runecairn Wardensaga from @byodinsbeardrpg and I like every single aspect of it. Can't wait to try it with @Morgunin and @HeyeBodo
(plus, I have two (three) new adventurerer professions/types in the pipeline, Runemaster, Joik Singer (kinda shaman) and thinking about a "former Jarl" -type 😎😃)
Joik? Joik:
Always love to talk about:
#Hyperborea and other #WeirdFantasy like #Conan2d20
Post Apocalyptic gaming a la #GammaWorld #MutantYearZero #MutantFuture even #MCC and currently itching for #Twilight2000
Neato OSR/NSR stuff like #Cairn #Runecairn #IntoTheOdd
#Westerns in film, tv and gaming like #WeirdFrontiers #HauntedWest and others
Also #AchtungCthulhu and #2300AD old and new
Gaming podcasts.
#Conan2d20 #hyperborea #weirdfantasy #gammaworld #MutantYearZero #mutantfuture #MCC #cairn #Runecairn #IntoTheOdd #westerns #WeirdFrontiers #HauntedWest #Twilight2000 #achtungcthulhu #2300AD
Updates bringen mich immer wieder gern ins Schleudern. Zumal, wenn ich mitten in der Vorbereitung eines Abenteuers für zwei Profi-SC stecke. Diesmal scheinen es nur optische Änderungen zu sein. 😅
Good Morning, Bonjour, Moin ☕☕☕
revisiting Haithabu (born and raised in the Schlei region) because #Runecairn 🔆😍
So.... #Runecairn Wardensaga ist mit Ausnahme des Abenteuers komplett in #obsidianmd
Noch ein bissl nachformatieren, dann mal Colin Le Sueur (By Odin's Beard RPG) anschreiben, ein paar Fragen klären.
Noch ca. 1 Stunde, dann hab ich die #Runecairn Regeln (Core und Advanced) komplett in #obsidianmd.
Und dann schauen wir mal weiter. 😁😎
Just bought #Runecairn Wardensaga #ttrpg and it's just great.
Picked up a few things at my FLGS.
Although I’m just as likely to run the Mothership adventures for Traveller.
#ttrpg #mothershiprpg #travellerrpg #Runecairn #NSR
Been working on the next Runecairn book, which I've decided to crowdfund on Itch. Here's a look at the design and layout in the Runecairn Bestiary, a hybrid of the original bestiary section and new changes I put into We Deal in Lead. Everything's designed around a 2 page spread, with a goal of balance and flow between pages and columns. Stat blocks are succinct and evocative and ideally easy to parse
#TTRPG #Runecairn #Soulslike #NSR
#ttrpg #Runecairn #soulslike #NSR
Shout out to Andriy Lukin for making such a killer new logo for Norse fantasy Soulslike #TTRPG Runecairn! Here it is on the upcoming cover for the Bestiary, with art from the inimitable Kim Diaz Holm. I've updated the existing Runecairn PDFs on DTRPG and Itch with the new logo #Runecairn #Soulslike
Been neglecting Mastodon lately, so here's some of the stuff I've been working on recently.
Recent livestream where I went through my current #Dungeon23 progress and gave sneak peeks at some of my upcoming projects:
#dungeon23 #youtube #WeDealInLead #Runecairn
Voici un moment que je n'ai plus partager les #podcast que j'ai écouté. Voici donc un petit récap.:
A côté des épisode 2, 3 & 4 de #Spygame chez @unduoroliste, les épisodes 1 & 2 #LegacyOfTheCrown de la @valkann, j'ai fait une belle découverte #UnCoupDeDé avec l'épisode 1 #Runecairn et l'épisode 1 #AppelDeCthulhu
#podcast #spygame #legacyofthecrown #uncoupdede #Runecairn #appeldecthulhu
I just read #runecairn 's intro dungeon (I hadn't realized I owned it already thanks to the bundle for Ukraine).
It is beat for beat the tutorial area from Dark Souls 1. You have a first bonfire, in the first big room a boss drops from a ledge up top, you don't have your equipment yet so you're supposed to flee, find your gear, explore the mini dungeon, and find yourself back in the boss room, all geared up, from the ledge it dropped from, and now you can slay it.
My first session of a Solo Game of @byodinsbeardrpg Runecairn.
#ttrpg #sologaming #runecairn #dnd #actualplay #solottrpg #dungeonsAndDragons
#ttrpg #sologaming #Runecairn #DnD #actualplay #solottrpg #dungeonsAndDragons
Started my Solo Game of Runecairn.
My set up for this one is all digital. I created a book with OneNote to track this game and keep it organized in their own chapters and pages. I also only use the Google dice roller.
Here are some screenshots of my digital setup.
#ttrpg #sologaming #solottrpg #Runecairn #indiegame #indiettrpg
#ttrpg #sologaming #solottrpg #Runecairn #indiegame #indiettrpg
Just downloaded my PDF of @byodinsbeardrpg Runecairn: Advanced Rules
Going to do some Runecairn soloing now. Excited to use the Delve Generator!
#ttrpg #Runecairn #sologaming #indiegame
Hearken to tales of upcoming adventure! Want to know when the newest #Runecairn adventure is out? Want discounts on print and PDF books? Sign up to the By Odin's Beard RPG newsletter to stay up to date
Hearken to tales of upcoming adventure! Want to know when the newest #Runecairn adventure is out? Want discounts on print and PDF books? Sign up to the By Odin's Beard RPG newsletter to stay up to date
Hearken to tales of upcoming adventure! Want to know when the newest #Runecairn adventure is out? Want discounts on print and PDF books? Sign up to the By Odin's Beard RPG newsletter to stay up to date