(Image source: https://www.rationalheathen.com/2020/02/26/the-elder-futhark-wunjo/)
Today, we ponder the rune Wunjo, which means "Joy." Joy is an important aspect of life as it motivates and rejuvenates us. As such, Wunjo both reminds us to enjoy our successes and to always keep in mind what we are striving for and why.
The joy of Wunjo is often associated with social or familial success. Much Norse lore speaks of success and joy in terms of having a full home full of love and support for one another. However, such love and success may be found in a broader context, even in online communities. Wherever you find the comfort and support of others, there is Wunjo.
#PaganMusings #RunicMusings #joy #wunjo #runes
(Image source: https://www.amazon.com/Ansuz-Personal-Journal-Futhark-Background/dp/B09HLKMJKK)
As today is Wednesday, consider the rune Ansuz. It's name means "the Ase" or "the god," commonly accepted as meaning the god Odin specifically. The rune draws on images of Odin as the Allfather and a force to bring order. The Aesir in general are seen as agents of order, as opposed to the jotun or giants, who are more primal and chaotic.
Yet, it is important to remember that too much order can be a problem as well. Life requires creativity and freedom and even a modicum of chaos. This is why the myths and lore speak of marriages between various Ases and members of etinkind.
If left unchecked, order becomes crystallization, which chokes the life out of everything. So when pondering the order implied by the rune Ansuz, think instead of a loose order that allows for flexibility and freedom.
#runes #PaganMusings #RunicMusings #Odin #NorseMythology #NorseCosmology
#NorseCosmology #norsemythology #odin #RunicMusings #PaganMusings #runes