New Yorker: With the Fox-Dominion Settlement We’re Still at the “Mercy of a Billionaire Dynasty” #NewYorker #Podcast/ThePoliticalScenePodcast #Podcasts #Politics #Murdoch #FoxNews #Rupert
#newyorker #podcast #podcasts #politics #murdoch #foxnews #Rupert
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Rupert Murdoch, Jerry Hall's Divorce Agreement Bars Her From Giving Story Ideas to 'Succession' #Jezebel #manhattaninstituteforpolicyresearch #annae28094elisabeth #annlesleysmith #businesspeople #rupertmurdoch #humaninterest #mickjagger #jerryhall #elisabeth #australia #murdoch #lachlan #rupert #anna #shiv
#jezebel #manhattaninstituteforpolicyresearch #annae28094elisabeth #annlesleysmith #businesspeople #rupertmurdoch #humaninterest #mickjagger #jerryhall #Elisabeth #australia #murdoch #lachlan #Rupert #anna #Shiv
[1970] The Adventures of Rupert Bear - Live-action puppet television series, based on the Mary Tourtel character Rupert Bear.
"Rupert & the Blue Fireworks" - Narrated by Judy Bennett.
#OldBritishTelly #marytourtel #Rupert #judybennett
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Runaway Bride Rupert Murdoch, 92, Calls Off Engagement After Two Weeks #Jezebel #manhattaninstituteforpolicyresearch #mediaintheunitedstates #newscorporation #businesspeople #annlesleysmith #rupertmurdoch #humaninterest #chestersmith #newyorkpost #murdoch #rupert #kerry #jesus #greg
#jezebel #manhattaninstituteforpolicyresearch #mediaintheunitedstates #newscorporation #businesspeople #annlesleysmith #rupertmurdoch #humaninterest #chestersmith #newyorkpost #murdoch #Rupert #kerry #jesus #greg
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Love Springs Eternal: Rupert Murdoch Engaged for Fifth Time at Age 92 #Jezebel #americanwomeninbusiness #televisionstations #wendidengmurdoch #annlesleysmith #businesspeople #rupertmurdoch #murdochfamily #town26country #chestersmith #jerryhall #univision #wendideng #companies #murdoch #myspace #foxnews #rupert #though #rt
#jezebel #americanwomeninbusiness #televisionstations #wendidengmurdoch #annlesleysmith #businesspeople #rupertmurdoch #murdochfamily #town26country #chestersmith #jerryhall #univision #wendideng #companies #murdoch #myspace #foxnews #Rupert #though #RT
[1984] Rupert and the Frog Song - Rupert Bear goes on a walk in the hills near his home, where he encounters a community of frogs who join together in a musical extravaganza. Starring Windsor Davies, June Whitfield and Paul McCartney (who also wrote and produced it).
#OldBritishTelly #Rupert #worldfrogday
#Trump è malato, #Trump è pazzo ed è un pericolo a tal punto che #Rupert #Murdoch (che lo ha creato almeno politicamente) ha ammesso
di avere mentito su Trump, su Biden, di avere fabbricato fake news, ad esempio quelle sulle elezioni 2020.
Non so se vi rendete conto che i Repubblicani negli USA hanno iniziato una guerra contro Trump e non la stanno vincendo.
«Col senno di poi, avrei voluto che fossimo più forti nel denunciare questa cosa»
[1970] The Adventures of Rupert Bear - Live-action puppet television series, based on the Mary Tourtel character Rupert Bear.
First episode: Rupert and the Flying Chariot. Narrated by Judy Bennett.
#OldBritishTelly #marytourtel #Rupert
#King #Charles conspires with #Rupert #Murdoch to destroy his son #Prince #Harry and #Meghan MarkleKangaroo #Court of #Australia #UK #USA #Abolish the #Monarchy #Press #British #Media #Racism #Racist #Royal #Family #BlackMastodon
#king #charles #Rupert #prince #harry #meghan #uk #usa #murdoch #court #australia #british #media #racism #racist #royal #blackmastodon #abolish #monarchy #press #family
The Tyee: What Canada Needs to Understand about Albertans (in Analysis) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #TheOtherAlberta:DecodingaPoliticalEnigma #AlbertaPremierDanielleSmith #TransMountainpipeline #TheOtherAlbertabook #Hudson’sBayCompany #RedRiverRebellion #westernalienation #Rupert’sLand #LouisRiel
#BCNews #TheTyee #TheOtherAlberta #AlbertaPremierDanielleSmith #TransMountainPipeline #TheOtherAlbertabook #hudson #RedRiverRebellion #westernalienation #Rupert #LouisRiel
#NY #Post published by #Rupert sharing #FoxNews story about #defection from blue to red… Shocking… Good riddance It's been a year since we left New York for Florida. Here's what we learned - Fox News
#defection #foxnews #Rupert #post #ny
Paul McCartney and the Frog Chorus, but did you remember it was a full on Rupert The Bear adventure, no nor me.
One for you @oldbritishtelly
#video #music #cartoon #paulmccartney #Rupert #bear
[1984] Rupert and the Frog Song - Rupert Bear goes on a walk in the hills near his home, where he encounters a community of frogs who join together in a musical extravaganza. Starring Windsor Davies, June Whitfield and Paul McCartney (who also wrote and produced it).
#OldBritishTelly #Rupert #TheFrogChorus
This is Rupert Giles Wooftin III. I spent the morning telling him he wasn't allowed in this new recliner. Then I left the room for five minutes ...
#pets #labradorRetriever #Rupert #chocolateLab
#chocolatelab #Rupert #labradorretriever #pets