“* 4 at Tumbler Ridge Health Centre.
* 3 at Kitimat General Hospital.
* 3 at Lakes District Hospital.
* 3 at Valemount Health Centre.
* 2 at Houston Health Centre (Urgent Care).
* 1 at Mills Memorial Hospital.
* 1 at Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital.”
#RuralHealth #EmergencyRoomClosures
#RuralHealth #emergencyroomclosures
#SouthOkanaganGeneralHospital sees worsening #EmergencyClosures - #Oliver/#Osoyoos News - Castanet.net https://www.castanet.net/news/Oliver-Osoyoos/445565/South-Okanagan-General-Hospital-sees-worsening-emergency-closures “having been mayor for five years this is the first time the increasingly common emergency department closures have occurred in the day time.
And it’s the first time they’ve stretched for 48 hours when typically they occur during the very late night, early morning hours and not consecutively.” #RuralHealth
#southokanagangeneralhospital #emergencyclosures #oliver #RuralHealth
"A pilot program at Texas Tech University has the potential to solve many of those concerns facing rural health care in West Texas. And the program is getting a boost from the Texas Legislature.
The program...provides emergency telemedicine medical services and telehealth services in rural areas by installing secure video calls and wireless patient monitoring in ambulances already in transit to an emergency room."
#RuralHealth #texas #txlege #telehealth #telemedicine
“He believes the ministry and the medical association may have made their decision without properly taking into account the medical services provided in the community to patients from northern #FirstNations and patients who work in the mining industry in #RedLake but do not reside there, he said.” #RuralHealth
#firstnations #redlake #RuralHealth
Once again the “decision makers” in the city patently don’t understand #RuralHealth
“It has contributed to a further loss of physicians, said Sumeet Kumar, the CEO of Margaret Cochenour Memorial Hospital in Red Lake.
“One person, after they heard this announcement, they put in their resignation and their retirement,"
“Low morale and other issues unique to #NorthernHealth are likely contributing to the exceptionally dire staffing in #Smithers. No staff are speaking publicly with fears of professional retaliation a major concern.” #RuralHealth https://mstdn.social/@pennydaflos/110897048803628331
#northernhealth #smithers #RuralHealth
“So here I am, stuck, a #RuralGeneralist with a bit too many things that I do to be easily replaced. Ultimately, it seems that only a rural generalist physician is going to replace a rural generalist physician. Now, all I have to do is wait for the regional medical schools to flood the rural areas with doctors. Any day. Soon.”
#ruralgeneralist #RuralHealth #srpc
'Do something' #Merritt mayor pleads as patient arrives at closed #ER | Vancouver Sun https://vancouversun.com/health/local-health/do-something-anything-merritt-mayor-pleads-as-critical-senior-at-closed-er-taken-to-kamloops “what really bothers me is they’re plopping nurses and doctors onto the highways, mostly nurses, who are travelling from their community long distances to another community.
“They may be tired from a long shift they’ve just worked, you’re putting people at risk with this type of approach, asking nurses to drive all over the countryside.”
@mallinsont @nhshighland @sunday_post @highlandpict @scottraumanwk @scotambservice
#ultrasound on #ambulance staffed by #medical #doctor and professional #nurses is a well-established reality in my workplace (Vicenza province, Italy), from several years. For sure a useful resource in #rural settings #RuralHealth #emergencymedicine
#ultrasound #ambulance #medical #doctor #nurses #rural #RuralHealth #emergencymedicine
RT @Amorganrural
“What we’re seeing is rural continually getting left behind,” said Alan Morgan, CEO of the National Rural Health Association, which urged Congress to fund the office. @ruralhealth #RuralHealth
https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/bc-news/hundreds-attend-rally-to-protest-repeated-er-closures-in-merritt-bc-6861773 “When the #ER is closed, residents must go to #RoyalInlandHospital in #Kamloops to receive care — about an hour's drive away.
“Particularly since there’s the Coquihalla Highway where a lot of accidents happen," he said. "To save lives, you take them to the shortest place there is, and that’s #Merritt. And of course, the local citizens need it here." #RuralHealth
#er #royalinlandhospital #kamloops #merritt #RuralHealth
"Established in 2017, the rural family medicine training program in Elko is shutting down for a variety of reasons, including financial struggles, lack of a united support system, and a historical lack of health care investment in the area. Experts say systemic factors are common barriers to establishing and sustaining training programs for doctors throughout rural America."
#MedEd #RuralHealth #gme #familymedicine
#NorthernHealth say possible interruptions for the hospital will take place from Friday to Tuesday morning. They say this may impact expecting mothers that are in of need procedures like #Csections.
These interruptions, similar to the ones faced by Dawson Creek last weekend, are because of a gap in coverage of #anesthesiologists
#northernhealth #csections #anesthesiologists #RuralHealth
https://ckpgtoday.ca/2023/04/04/mackenzie-celebrates-recruitment-and-retention-of-family-doctors/ “Despite most places in #BritishColumbia having trouble finding enough family doctors, #Mackenzie is seeing some success.
“We know health care’s a major issue right across the province in the country, but Mackenzie does have some things to celebrate, we do have a full complement of doctors in this community,” said Mayor Joan Atkinson.” #RuralHealth
#britishcolumbia #mackenzie #RuralHealth
“This is just one more blow to an already short-staffed department, which has been experiencing a number of staffing challenges in recent years, with no end yet in sight.
The department will now be down to two and a half staff #physicians where Interior Health (#IHA) has allocated for eight or nine to consider it fully staffed” #RuralHealth
“The province says it is building a new "integrated health-care centre" in Sooke, B.C.
The new facility is estimated to open in 2025 and will house both a community health centre (#CHC) and urgent- and primary-care centre (#UPCC) at an upcoming development” #ruralhealth #bchealthcare
#chc #upcc #RuralHealth #BCHealthCare
Struggling to Survive, the First Rural Hospitals Line Up for New Federal Lifeline
Facilities that convert to Rural Emergency Hospital status will get a 5% increase in Medicare payments as well as an average annual facility fee payment of about $3.2 million in exchange for giving up their expensive inpatient beds and focusing solely on emergency and outpatient care. - KHN.https://bit.ly/41P6S7x
#ruralhospitals #RuralHealth #medicare #rural #hospitals
"Guadalupe is one of the nation’s first to start the process of converting into a Rural Emergency Hospital. The designation was created as part of the first new federal payment program launched by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for rural providers in 25 years...policymakers and hospital operators alike hope it will slow the financial hemorrhage that continues to shutter those communities’ hospitals."
#RuralHealth #hospitals #newmexico
“#Paramedics now say that, as call volumes have increased without staffing keeping pace, the borderless system has evolved into a backstop in which ambulances from #ruralAlberta are routinely pulled into urban areas, sometimes leaving their communities without coverage.” #RuralHealth
#paramedics #ruralalberta #RuralHealth
"By 2020, about half of rural community hospitals did not provide obstetrics care, according to the American Hospital Association...Women in rural areas face a higher risk of pregnancy-related complications...Those living in so-called maternity care deserts are three times as likely to die during pregnancy and the critical year afterward as those who are closer to care, according to a study of mothers in Louisiana."
#healthcare #hospitals #RuralHealth