There’s an old Hippie next door, clearing Armenian Blackberries off a shed roof, using an antique-looking pitchfork.
#Observations #RuralLife #Sisyphus
#observations #RuralLife #SiSyPHuS
quiet, empty streets,
“Cowboy” riding lawnmower;
Last Sunday of Spring.
#haiku #observations #RuralLife #haikoot
Glances at BBC World News headlines… mostly death and despair.
Glances at my local newspaper (in print on my desk)… Susie’s county fair entry for jam-making, this year, has a great chance of winning at State; and, Ms. Offenheim’s lost calf was found safe after an all-night search.
#News #RuralLife
Private above-ground swimming pools are actually just fancy cisterns.
#WaterCatchment #Resilience #Cisterns #RuralLife #ObliqueSubToot
#watercatchment #resilience #cisterns #RuralLife #obliquesubtoot
Seeing the nurse, #Today; he is also the local Willie Nelson impersonator; a talented and beautiful polymath, all-around great guy.
Please also don’t tell people in Rural America not to drive. Just shut the fuck up about that. We don’t have that Luxury.
#RuralLife #TheTransportationCrisisIsAPolicyChoice
#RuralLife #thetransportationcrisisisapolicychoice
worshiping the Sun;
no hats, oil or sunglasses:
two Turkey Vultures.
#haiku #observations #haikoot #RuralLife
I’m sure, as soon as I think the place is perfect, a wildfire or grass fire sparked when they’re making hay will sweep through and burn all this to the ground. It’s only a matter of time. Nothing lasts “forever”, but we are ensuring that “forever” is an ever-shortening timeframe.
#StupidApes #Ephemera #RuralLife #ClimateCrisis
#stupidapes #ephemera #RuralLife #ClimateCrisis
@dgar so…. there are roads around here that are _not_ safe if you aren’t expected… local knowledge keeps the locals safe, but every once in a while an outsider accidentally heads down the wrong road…
Never a good idea to be in a hurry around here; it’s either tractors or slow-talking people…
stuck behind Tractor;
Green Acres, the Place to be!
Life in Rural Town.
#haiku #GreenAcres #RuralLife #truestory #haikoot
Today started off shitty as hell, but it got better when I saw this. The big talk in my little ville is about the Popeye's chicken that's been about to open for 3+ yrs now. 😆 The boat ramp that was destroyed in the 2018 volcanic eruption has yet to break ground. #rurallife #islandlife #shoots
#RuralLife #islandlife #shoots
Tell me you’ve never left the big city, without telling me you’ve never left the big city. 🙄
'It's filth, it stinks': The town where people won't drink from the tap. #water #RuralLife #australia
Bears will be waking up soon in many areas. Remember, closing up backyard chickens in secure housing after dark, protect your livestock, which includes bees, inside of grizzly-rated 4 or 5 wire electric fencing and never leaving your garbage outside are essential ways of protecting the bears and your community. Being responsible for not only your own spaces but the surrounding wildlife is the right way.
#homesteading #gardening #livestock #SmallFarms #Bears #Grizzly #BlackBears #RuralLife
#homesteading #gardening #livestock #SmallFarms #bears #grizzly #blackBears #RuralLife
If you want eggs from miserable caged hens with zero quality of life, go ahead and bitch about the price of eggs while searching for dollar-a-dozen ones.
If you want eggs from hens that have names, a big yard to scratch and explore in, fresh air, sun, and hen friends for security and comfort- pay the damn price that small-hold farmers and backyard chicken people need to get to keep the chickens in the first place.
#foodsecurity #SmallFarms #RuralLife #sustainability
I loved watching this great blue heron and some feeding circles of (mostly female) Northern shovelers in yesterday's rain.
I often think of Sara Teasdale's "There Will Come Soft Rains" (the poem Ray Bradbury named his short story after). Whatever we humans might do, may the birds outlast us or find a way to make us theirs.
Here's a link to a short, silent video I managed to capture as well:
#Birds #GreatBlueHeron #Oregon #RuralLife #ThereWillComeSoftRains
#birds #greatblueheron #oregon #RuralLife #therewillcomesoftrains
Mfw I make it to Big R before they close, but they're out of propane.
when i was an urban dweller, i did not realize that loading stuff in a truck is a specific skill. now i see that it can even be a thing of beauty.
a friend brought these long waiawi logs for us from her property (we want them to use as trellises), & just look at how well she packed them!
#pickup #hauling #CountryStuff #RuralLife