helgenug · @helgenug
21 followers · 1018 posts · Server digitalcourage.social


➡️ Yeah, right, @SibylleBerg . Geht's um Straftaten gegen Frauen, ist die Sache eindeutig. Geht's um ein ganzes Land, heißt es plötzlich - Ich darf Sie doch zitieren? - »[...]So verständlich es ist, nach Schuldigen zu suchen – was hilft es genau, wenn man sie benennen könnte? Es gibt so viele Wahrheiten, wie es Menschen gibt. Die Welt, geformt durch des Einzelnen Blick auf sie.[...]« Q: spiegel.de/kultur/literatur/kr

Ihre bigotte ist der eigentliche .

(Zur Erläuterung: Vom völkerrechtl. Gewaltverbot n. Art. 2 Abs. 4 UN-Charta gibt exakt zwei Ausnahmen (1. indiv./koll. Selbstverteidigung n. Art. 51 und 2. Ermächtigung des n. Kap. VII jew. UN-Charta), die hier beide nicht zutreffen. Q: jura.uni-koeln.de/en/aktuelles Die Schuldfrage ist also im Hinblick auf die Ukraine sehr wohl eindeutig.)

# Krieg

#nojusticenopeace #ruleoflaw #Volkerrecht #verbrechenderaggression #crimeofaggression #Ruscism #ruZZia #russland #ukraine #putinspapagei #sibylleberg #unsc #brainfuck #doppelmoral

Last updated 1 year ago

Eugene McParland · @EugeneMcParland
3641 followers · 3735 posts · Server mastodon.ie

What Is Ruscism?
( — Brand New russian Totalitarianism)

Ukrainian legislators considered the materials by Timothy Snyder, Anne Applebaum, Mark Lipovetsky, and other researchers.

The resolution states that ruscism is a and practice, the formation of which was influenced by:

👉 russian chauvinism and imperialism

👉 Soviet totalitarian regime

👉 German National Socialism (Nazism)

Read more here🔗 spravdi.gov.ua/en/what-is-rusc


#Ruscism #totalitarian #ideology #ukraine #RussiaIsATerroristState

Last updated 1 year ago

Pankhurst2 · @MlleaPankhurst
516 followers · 5652 posts · Server mstdn.social


This is Russia. These are the dreams of the neoGOP- The American fascists party.

Dissent will equal prison.

Do not forget Ukraine.

#neogop #SlavaUkraini #Ruscism

Last updated 2 years ago

demï7en 🎗 · @demi7en
34 followers · 1280 posts · Server infosec.exchange

re: nations being unsalvagable

@toomas_ilves @glynmoody

Walter, but you can't impose (the "struggle of overcoming the past" in post-Nazi Germany; kind of ) upon mentally infertile population from outside by simply asking "pretty please?".

And despite paranoia / propaganda, *no-one* is willing to "go in and make them".

For centuries the crime (of colonialist ) paid off royally; the thug, military brass and ruler classes profited, but even the serf masses felt they weren't the *worst-off" people in the empire — the colonized "minorities" were.

The will to embrace civilization must come from inside, but for that to even be possible, must return its loot: the colonies to the native colonial subjects and other violently stolen territories. Otherwise it'll be once again "fuck this eternal cesspool, let's go and steal from neighbours who have plumbing and indoor toilets and everything...!"

OTOH was shocking exactly because it arose and took hold within a population with deep roots to . And even there the lustration wasn't a complete success: there is a 'thriving' neonazi 'community' and German industrialists couldn't be more eager to collaborate with (genocidal and expansionist) despots... foreign ones will do if none are available domestically...


#vergangenheitsbewaltigung #lustration #ruscist #expansionism #muscovia #german #thirdreich #hochkultur #russia #Ruscism #nazism #imperialism #colonialism

Last updated 2 years ago

Lilo Start · @LiloStart
49 followers · 2450 posts · Server social.dev-wiki.de

RT @TimothyDSnyder@twitter.com

The centrality of the category in the Ukrainian critical discussion of Russia is overlooked. This essay from the spring treats the particular Ukrainian concept of or , & what it reveals about conceptual reach of Ukrainian language

🐦🔗: twitter.com/TimothyDSnyder/sta

#fascism #Ruscism #rashyzm

Last updated 2 years ago

A. Hofmann :mastodon: · @empathroet
2356 followers · 1934 posts · Server bildung.social