This put me in mind of recent events:
'I've got it!' shouted Muskrat.
'What?' said the mouse and his child together.
'X!' said Muskrat, 'X!'
The fireflies abandoned all reserve, and flashed with such a light that Muskrat's shadow loomed up huge and black upon the wall behind him.
'He's done it!' said the father to the child. 'He's made the leap'.
#RussellHoban #themouseandhischild
'Why into Here often equals There, and so one moves about'
Muskrat in #TheMouseAndHisChild by #RussellHoban
#themouseandhischild #RussellHoban
'BEYOND THE LAST VISIBLE DOG!' shouted Crow. 'There!' he said to his wife. 'See how it pays off? Up and up and up, and then Zonk! BEYOND THE LAST VISIBLE DOG!'
'It's getting me now', said Mrs Crow. 'But what does it mean?'
Crow flung his broad wings like a black cloak. 'What doesn't it mean!' he said.
From The Mouse And His Child by Russell Hoban. It's a children's book, apparently.
Last month's read for the Bimble Books book group, Turtle Diary by Russell Hoban, was a great book.
I'm not sure how he did it. So much of the book is definitely sad, in that lonely middle aged way, and yet the lives in it come across as content and positive. A cross between Muriel Spark's Girls of Slender Means and Ronan Hession's Leonard and Hungry Paul.
#RussellHoban #bimblebooks #cambridge #bookstodon
@jaz @gomez just finished a proof copy, from a charity shop, of a very strange book called 'Amaryllis Night and Day' by #RussellHoban, pub 2001. Not only does it reference electronic indie #JohnPeel lfaves #Shreikback, but refers to a different #BenoitBlanc fictional character to the one in #KnivesOut. And that's without trying to explain the plot...j
#knivesout #benoitblanc #shreikback #johnpeel #RussellHoban
This quotation from Russell Hoban's book of essays The Moment Under the Moment has been on my mind a lot lately.
"The people who run the world now were children once. What went wrong?"
This is hard!
#7Books to get to know me (fiction only):
- The Medusa Frequency (#RussellHoban)
- A Canticle for Leibowitz (#WalterMiller)
- Through Black Spruce (#JosephBoyden)
- The Good Soldier (#FordMadoxFord)
- The Painted Drum (#LouiseErdrich)
- The Overstory (#RichardPowers)
- The Devils (#Dostoyevesky)
Honourable mention to #AliSmith
#7books #RussellHoban #WalterMiller #josephboyden #fordmadoxford #LouiseErdrich #richardpowers #dostoyevesky #alismith
@kevindanks lots of crossover here! I've read all of these authors bar Aaronovitch. #RussellHoban is my all-time favourite. Riddley Walker is the only novel I know of that captures the cognitive style and linguistic idiom of an oral culture. Possibly the most immersive book I've read. Have you given any of Hoban's other works a go?
Who are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc. #Bookstodon
#RussellHoban (just for the utterly fantastic 'Riddley Walker')
#bookstodon #charlesdickens #JaneAusten #IainBanks #benaaronovitch #RussellHoban #RobertMacFarlane #georgeeliot #WilkieCollins
Here are a few more hashtags I found under the seat cushion when I was looking for the remote. Trade with your friends! Collect them all!
#RussellHoban #MobyDick #TripmasterMonkey #Jung #RobynHitchcock #Dylan #typography #daodejing
#RussellHoban #mobydick #TripmasterMonkey #jung #robynhitchcock #Dylan #typography #daodejing