È imbarazzante e indecente che l'ANSA si metta a fare propaganda russa. Tale "reporter russo" indossava una divisa militare, imbracciava un fucile ed era sul fronte di combattimento. Come cazzo avrebbe dovuto essere identificato quale reporter? (also: bombe a grappolo russe hanno ferito un giornalista, ma uno di quelli veri, come mai non c'è nessuna notizia su questo?) #RussianPropaganda #RussoUkraineWar
#RussianPropaganda #RussoUkraineWar
Morale della favola: il murales è una copia illegale, la bimba ritratta non c'entra un tubo e di conseguenza la sua storia è inventata, e ha raccontato fragnacce su fregnacce al solo scopo di dare manforte alla propaganda russa.
Ora non solo non se ne sta zitto, ma si arrampica pure sugli specchi, ammettendo di aver copiato e smentendosi da solo, nello stesso post.
Chi lo conosce lo fermi, per il suo bene, si sta rendendo ridicolo.
#cringe #jorit #mariupol #ukraine #RussianPropaganda
So the #tankies, who pose as hard left, take the same positions and are a part of the same #RussianPropaganda nexus as Marine Le Pen. How do they square it? Seriously... how do they square it?
Weinberg calls out the "hybrid" #RussianPropaganda nexus operating in the US, with my usual exacting research and unflinching grit. If you appreciate these didactic rants, pease support my work on Patreon. Just one-seventh of the federal minimum wage per week. Such a deal!
A #FalseFlag attack on a Detroit synagogue sheds light on the sinister nexus of #GrayZone #RussianPropaganda, in which the line between state and non-state actors is blurred. MintPress News, The Grayzone and Useful Idiots are all called out on the new CounterVortex podcast. It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.
#falseflag #grayzone #RussianPropaganda
Russians have a very interesting understanding of the word, "liberate". If a country's people rise up against an authoritarian ruler, they don't need to be liberated. They've already liberated themselves. Russia seems to be using that word to describe taking over a country in opposition to the will of the people. I don't think any rational person would call that, "liberation".
#RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianPropaganda #RussianWarCrimes #PutinIsANazi
#RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianPropaganda #RussianWarCrimes #putinisanazi
It's a tiresome job, but somebody's got to do it. In the new CounterVortex #podcast, we break down the latest entry in the relentless #RussianPropaganda campaign to portray #Ukraine as a "Nazi state." Was Zelensky really wearing the symbol of #StepanBandera's OUN, and was the OUN really "Hitler's most loyal ally"? Actually, no. Listen to this before you spread any more disinformation, #tankies. You're welcome.
#podcast #RussianPropaganda #ukraine #stepanbandera #tankies
Russian propagandists are devastated by the firing of one of their own.
#TuckerCarlson #RussianPropaganda #FoxNews
#TuckerCarlson #RussianPropaganda #foxnews
«A Russian #Disinformation Empire in Oak Harbor, Washington» - Malcontent News. #DonbassDevushka #RussianPropaganda
#disinformation #donbassdevushka #RussianPropaganda
La Casa Bianca ha dato di matto per il selfie di Elon Musk con la famosa propagandista russa #ÉlonMusk #WhiteHouse #russianpropaganda
#elonmusk #whitehouse #RussianPropaganda
“We as a nation and the west have been slow to respond and it is a fair judgment that we are facing a very, very large challenge. In the communication space, the alignment between #china and #russia is near complete... repeating and promulgating the arguments of russia about the #war that it was started by #NATO”.
#Imperialism #Colonialism #Propaganda
#ChinesePropaganda #RussianPropaganda
#RussiaIsAFascistState #RussiaIsATerroristState
#China #russia #war #nato #imperialism #colonialism #propaganda #chinesepropaganda #RussianPropaganda #russiaisafasciststate #russiaisaterroriststate
"Tanks are a deathtrap now. With neither side having air superiority, you’re left with infantry & artillery – essentially WW1."
#elonmusk #russianpropaganda #RussiaIsATerroristState #RussiaUkraineWar
#elonmusk #RussianPropaganda #russiaisaterroriststate #russiaukrainewar
This interview with a russian pow covers each and every topic of #russianpropaganda. From russian orthodox church to NATO troops in Ukraine. Surprisingly, he tells the truth about russia, and explains many things from russian point of view (mind blowing).
Continuation below
RT @KramarenkoMari3
This interview with a russian pow covers each and every topic of #russianpropaganda. From russian orthodox church to NATO troops in Ukraine. Surprisingly, he tells the truth about russia, and explains many things from russian point of view (mind blowing).
Continuation below
My devastating (even if I say so myself) take-down of #MedeaBenjamin's new insta-book full of #RussianPropaganda is now in print at the Oakland Socialist. (They call is a "review," which is a rather mild term...)
#MedeaBenjamin #RussianPropaganda
#MedeaBenjamin's #RussianPropaganda intimately deconstructed and exposed on the new CounterVortex podcast. If you appreciate our efforts, please support us on Patreon. Even a buck a week makes a big difference to us, and that doesn't even buy you a damn cup of coffee these days. #JustDoIt
#MedeaBenjamin #RussianPropaganda #justdoit
In the new CounterVortex #podcast, we minutely deconstruct #MedeaBenajmain's egregious #ReignOfError—or is it deliberate #disinformation and #RussianPropaganda? It's odious work, but somebody has to do it. You're welcome.
#podcast #medeabenajmain #reignoferror #disinformation #RussianPropaganda
⚠️😡❗️Warnung ❗️😡⚠️
Jetzt, unter dem Deckmantel der 🇺🇦 Ukrainer auf Twitter, #Prigozhin|s verdammte Trolle und Vatniks unterwegs.
Diese billige Luschen haben eine Hauptaufgabe bekommen: Zelensky zu diskreditieren.
Bleibt wachsam! 🤨#RussianPropaganda in 🇩🇪🚫
#prigozhin #RussianPropaganda #russianterrorist