The Russian concept #RusskiyMir (#RussianWorld) is an official state ideology of a Russian neo-empire that seeks to strengthen its power through aggressive territorial expansion and genocide.
RT @sumlenny
While killing thousands of Ukrainians, the Russians see themselves as "victims of unprovoked Western aggression". These self-victimisation cult and zero wish for any reflexion are important components of the #RusskiyMir #RussianWorld way of thinking.
I wonder how it developed 🤔 the info graphic is from the summer 2022 and shows how many dead soldiers there are from #ethnic #minorities in the Russian Federation.
1 Slavic #Muscovite = 87 #Dagestanis, then 275 #Buryats and in the worst situation were #Tuvans with 350 dead soldiers per 1 dead soldier from Moscow.
#ethnic #minorities #Muscovite #dagestanis #buryats #tuvans #Russianworld
What does it say about the #RussianWorld that the vast majority of Ukrainians would rather die fighting it than live in it?
It is overdue for all in the #FreeWorld to shed any illusions about a normal, free life being possible in #Russia or the #Kremlin's "sphere of influence".
#Kremlin #Russia #freeworld #Russianworld
Russians are throwing away Ukrainian #books from the #Pryazovskyi state university in #Mariupol. Some are dumped right from the window. #russia is systemically destroying all things #Ukraine in the occupied towns. Great russian culture is erazing our identity
Photo: P. #Andryushchenko
#books #pryazovskyi #mariupol #russia #ukraine #andryushchenko #RussiaIsATerroristState #Russianworld
Russian TV and the mystery of the stolen toilet.
Now, the local health center does not have a toilet 😣
Hashtag #RussianWorld 😅
The whole thing ends with the words: "The sitting of the court is declared closed."
What is the difference between Russia and the Islamic State and the Taliban...?
#RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianWorld #Putin #Wagner #execution #nsfw #murder #Ukraine
#RussiaIsATerroristState #Russianworld #putin #wagner #execution #nsfw #murder #ukraine
🤔Hmm, it may be true that #economic #sanctions against #Russia 🇷🇺 do not work - they can still buy the latest #Iphone!
I just wonder what's in that bucket on the floor in the "kitchen".
#economic #sanctions #russia #iphone #Russianworld
The whole thing ends with the words: "The sitting of the court is declared closed."
What is the difference between Russia and the Islamic State and the Taliban...?
#RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianWorld #Putin #Wagner #execution #murder #Ukraine
#RussiaIsATerroristState #Russianworld #putin #wagner #execution #murder #ukraine
The whole thing ends with the words:
The whole thing ends with the words: "The sitting of the court is declared closed."
What is the difference between Russia and the Islamic State and the Taliban...?
#RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianWorld #Putin #Wagner #execution #murder #Ukraine
#RussiaIsATerroristState #Russianworld #putin #wagner #execution #murder #ukraine
Pour comprendre la pensée russe standard :
Is #translation necessary?
Look what the Russian fascists dream about... on state Russian TV... They only know threats, breach of agreements, theft and war crimes...
Well, #Russia, #RussianWorld.
#RussiaIsATeroristState #propaganda #UK #UnitedKingdom #Poseidon
#translation #propaganda #russia #Russianworld #russiaisateroriststate #uk #unitedkingdom #poseidon
What happened to "never again"?
#RussiaIsATerroristState #Russianworld
"The time has come to ask whether, objectively speaking, Vladimir Putin is an agent of American imperialism. For no American has ever done half as much damage to what Putin calls the “Russian world” as the Russian leader himself has."
#Putin #RussianWorld