“As strongmen like Trump seduce political elites, promising them more power than they ever dreamed possible, they also corrupt them. Accepting the leader's lies & violence ties them to him, making them partners in his crimes & thus vulnerable to being exposed… in saving him, they think they are saving themselves.”
"Trump Indictment: Scholar of Fascism, Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Says "GOP Has Become an "Autocratic Party" Led by "Cult Leader"" via YouTube #MustSee
#DemocracyNow #CultLeader #TrumpIndictment #USPol #RuthBenGhiat
#RuthBenGhiat #USpol #trumpindictment #cultleader #democracynow #mustsee
“Propping up his personality cult and indoctrinating Americans to hatred are the real functions of campaign events, not promoting policies.”
@ruthbenghiat #RuthBenGhiat #authoritarianism
#authoritarianism #RuthBenGhiat
“Propaganda is never just words, and it goes beyond lying. It is a system of organizing belief so people come to see the world in ways that benefit the leader and his party. Understanding how propaganda works is crucial to exposing Republican maneuvers to protect Trump and their own reputations in the weeks and months to come.”
#JasonStanley talks to Dr #RuthBenGhiat
#JasonStanley #RuthBenGhiat #museumofjewsihheritage
#RuthBenGhiat author of #StrongMan talks to #MSNBC
explaining some of why people fall for this authoritarian rubbish
#authoritarianplaybook #farrightloonies #KnowYourEnemy #RuthBenGhiat #strongman #msnbc
Ours is the age of authoritarian rulers: self-proclaimed saviors of the nation who evade accountability while robbing their people of resources and corroding or destroying democracy. Their mutual-admiration club also draws on models from the past. Vladimir #Putin
#RuthBenGhiat rehabilitates Soviet tyrant Joseph #Stalin, Donald #Trump praises Libyan despot Muammar #Gaddafi, Jair #Bolsonaro..
#putin #RuthBenGhiat #stalin #trump #gaddafi #Bolsonaro
No amount of dead children will ever make Republicans regulate guns because they know that mass death primes us for #authoritarianism. My @washingtonpost essay: https://t.co/d0LAAAqkwu
#RuthBenGhiat #authoritarianism
#RuthBenGhiat: Tucker Carlson is one of the most dangerous people alive right now.”
Authoritarian expert Ruth Ben-Ghiat and author of “Strongmen: Mussolini To The Present” warned on SiriusXM radio’s The Dean Obeidallah show that with an atta...
#DeanObeidallahShow #RuthBenGhiat
From #RuthBenGhiat
This is...a perfect example of how #Strongmen grow fearful of those around them, esp. if they secretly fear they have made a mistake. #Putin is behaving in classic beleaguered #autocrat fashion. See my endings chapter for how that works out for them.
#RuthBenGhiat #strongmen #putin #autocrat
a month ago
Trump Victim Act Follows #Authoritarian Playbook Drawing In Fanatical Supporters
#RuthBenGhiat, professor of #history at NYU and author of "Strongmen," talks about right-wing assault on democracy in the United States and familiar patterns...
#authoritarian #RuthBenGhiat #history
#RuthBenGhiat posted
“I follow my instincts, and I am never wrong" --Mussolini. My new @MSNBC piece on how arrogance, greed, and isolation lead #strongmen like #Putin into risky endeavors that can lead to their fall. https://t.co/I3l7sKsGNV
#strongmen #RuthBenGhiat #putin