Out today! Three adventures in history for the Sixth Doctor and Mel. Will they set time back on its proper course, restoring new friend Hebe's 21st Century existence or will they fail terribly, despite giving it a good go? It is impossible to know but the actor who plays Hebe is definitely pictured on the cover and I doubt that happened by mistake. #DoctorWho #BigFinish #ColinBaker #BonnieLangford #ImogenStubbs #RuthMadeley #Sheffield
#sheffield #RuthMadeley #imogenstubbs #bonnielangford #colinbaker #bigfinish #DoctorWho
Paid and praised. I can't quibble.
#greatsheffieldflood #sheffieldflood #sheffield #imogenstubbs #bonnielangford #colinbaker #RuthMadeley #bigfinish #DoctorWho