Ryan Murphy to continue filming 'American Horror Story' Season 12, threatens legal action against WGA leader #RyanMurphy #AmericanHorrorStorySeason # #WGA #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #wga #americanhorrorstoryseason #RyanMurphy
In continuing my #fancasting of the MCU's version of the #Xmen, I want to cast the rich boy everyone loves to hate.
Warren Worthington III (#Angel) is probably the least popular of the first class, but there's so much potential with him to show a completely different perspective. I love #CodyFern for this, for so many reasons. He's young, he has a punchable face and he's proven in numerous #RyanMurphy projects that he has what it takes to act alongside the best.
#fancasting #xmen #angel #codyfern #RyanMurphy #mcufancasting
Totally new here but I've seen the tag thingy. Since it reminded me of old Livejournal Days here we go. I love #strangerthings #ahs #acnh #mandolorian #lotr #fcbayern #greece #houseofthedragon #gameofthrones #housetargaryen #TrueCrime #RyanMurphy #interviewwithavampire #books #dystopianfiction #jasonmomoa #hawaii #linkinpark #startrek #science #TheBigBangTheory #stephenking #stargate and probably a million other things, so let's connect.
#strangerthings #ahs #acnh #mandolorian #lotr #fcbayern #greece #houseofthedragon #gameofthrones #housetargaryen #TrueCrime #RyanMurphy #interviewwithavampire #books #dystopianfiction #jasonmomoa #hawaii #linkinpark #startrek #science #TheBigBangTheory #stephenking #stargate
Ciao amici di Mastodon prometto di fare il possibile per capire questo nuovo social (croce sul cuore), ma nel frattempo vi beccate la mia #intro Il mio nome è Chiara Fix e in questo spazio condividerò le mie fotografie, meme, opinioni sui film che guardo e soprattutto tanta roba nerd.
Questi sono i miei hashtag preferiti #Marvel #DoctorWho #RyanMurphy #OurFlagMeansDeath #Disneyland #HarryStyles #StevieNicks
A presto
#stevienicks #harrystyles #disneyland #OurFlagMeansDeath #RyanMurphy #doctorwho #marvel #intro
American Horror Story 6 e i Fantasmi della TV americana. Un viaggio nel tunnel dell’orrore dei media – seconda parte https://www.carmillaonline.com/2022/06/22/american-horror-story-6-e-i-fantasmi-della-tv-americana-un-viaggio-nel-tunnel-dellorrore-dei-media-seconda-parte/ #AmericanHorrorStory #FoscaGallesio #RyanMurphy #Cinema&tv #FakeNews #Roanoke
#roanoke #fakenews #cinema #RyanMurphy #FoscaGallesio #americanhorrorstory
American Horror Story 6 e i Fantasmi della TV americana. Un viaggio nel tunnel dell’orrore dei media – prima parte https://www.carmillaonline.com/2022/06/12/american-horror-story-6-e-i-fantasmi-della-tv-americana-un-viaggio-nel-tunnel-dellorrore-dei-media-prima-parte/ #AmericanHorrorStory #FoscaGallesio #RyanMurphy #Cinema&tv #Roanoke
#roanoke #cinema #RyanMurphy #FoscaGallesio #americanhorrorstory