Fucking Ryan Tubridy. And Fucking Irish Times.
Can't wait to find out that RTE either decides it can't do without Tubridy's unique level of blandness interspersed with digs at random women in the public eye or hires a replacement for him that I could not distinguish from him in a line up, and then pay him the same mad money.
This bookmark I made for my brother in 2009 was cursed to begin with and gets more cursed every year
#collage #bookmark #RyanTubridy #Tubridy #RTE #CursedObjects #MastoArt
#collage #bookmark #tubridy #RyanTubridy #rte #cursedobjects #mastoart
The worst thing about #BarterGate is that it's now 2023 and most Irish people can still, apparently, not pronounce 'Renault' vaguely correctly.
#bartergate #rte #RyanTubridy #noelkelly
For the day that is in it…
“Everybody else is just green
Have you seen the chart?
It's a hell of a start
It could be made into a monster
If we all pull together as a team
And did we tell you the name of the game, boy?
We call it Riding the Gravy Train”
#pinkfloyd #RyanTubridy #rte #songoftheday
Does Ryan Tubridy or his agent exude some sort of musky magic scent that makes people lose all sense and hand him money, given that he apparently may have gotten a 100k 'loyalty bonus' on top of everything?
For today's Episode of #RTEGate at #OireachtasTV I have rustled up a sweet board (we will need the sugar).
If you would like your snacks to look as good as this, just pop over to slated.ie simples.
#rtegate #OireachtasTV #slated #Oireachtas #slatedatpac #noelkelly #RyanTubridy
I mean, I can't say I'm surprised really, but the figures about the disaster that was the Toy Show Musical are pretty stark. They only sold 11,044 across 27 shows. That is.... grim.
They predicted an income of over 3 million for net ticket sales, and made 450k. A missed target by ~2.7 million. YIKES.
#rte #RyanTubridy #toyshowmusical
There's a barter account for everyone* in the audience, is it?
#RTÉ #RyanTubridy #TheLateLateShow #NUJ #SIPTU
[ * Except the plebs, who aren't people ]
#rte #RyanTubridy #TheLateLateShow #NUJ #SIPTU
I'll be getting the popcorn out for this one if it comes to fruition!
#rte #ryantubridy
Gareth O'Callaghan's opinion piece in the Irish Examiner makes for interesting reading. #RTE #Tubridy #RyanTubridy
Serious Hud Hastings vibes coming off any photo I've seen so far of Noel Kelly.
"Is he...wearing a crown?"
#RTEPaymentsScandal #Tubsidy
#Tubridy #RyanTubridy #Oireachtas #NoelKelly #FatherTed #FrTed #MastoDaoine #RTE
#rtepaymentsscandal #tubsidy #tubridy #RyanTubridy #Oireachtas #noelkelly #fatherted #frted #mastodaoine #rte
LOL at the @TG4TV intern on twitter https://twitter.com/TG4TV/status/1674464021175578648?s=20
So RTÉ not only said that 75k was for consultancy but that was extra money given to Ryan Tubridy, and they spent hundreds of thousands on rugby tickets for "clients", but they are now saying that Tubridy doesn't have a contract for his radio station, just an oral agreement.
WTF are they doing? It's all very Fianna Fáil. #RyanTubridy #RTÉ #Ireland
RT Ciaran Tierney
I doubt I was the only person who was astounded by Ryan Tubridy's earnings from @rte long before the current scandal broke.
I wrote this blog eight years ago, the last time I watched the @RTELateLateShow
'Thank you, Mr Tubridy'
http://ciarantierney.blogspot.com/2015/02/thank-you-mr-tubridy.html?m=1 https://t.co/IxO0aAKqVm
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ciarantierney/status/1672222643716603908
"Trust has been eroded in RTE" according to Ciarán Cannon.
That happened a long time ago. Ciaran late to the party. #RyanTubridy @drivetimerte
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/lukeming/status/1672278722156679171
In January 2022 Dee Forbes categorically told the Public Accounts Committee that remuneration to high earners at RTÉ was cut by 15%.
It is unacceptable that her statement today provided no explanation as to why the Dáil, & the Irish people who fund RTÉ, were misled.
#RyanTubridy https://t.co/YYgZJzF0r3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/mattcarthy/status/1672306899708944384
Does Ryan Tubridy giving up on the Late Late Show require a CW?
It...doesn't, right?
#RyanTubridy #ireland #latelateshow
Can't stand #RyanTubridy, but might make an exception for a few minutes, for today's #Christmas #DublinAirportArrivals show.
#RyanTubridy #christmas #dublinairportarrivals
#LouisePenny, the writer of the books upon which #ThreePines is based, is being interviewed on #RyanTubridy this morning and I now know a whole lot more about #ThreePines than I did an hour ago, most notably that the character #InspectorGamache is drawn from her late husband Michael.
#LouisePenny #threepines #RyanTubridy #inspectorgamache #surprisedbyjoy