The input of the data from Naha and Tomari caused a fall in the life expectancy average (males 43.9→41.8, females 44.7→44.5), especially in the male one. People from the Naha and Tomari lineages were of lower nobility than the ones of the Shuri lineages and it seems it influenced life expectancy. Female life expectancy isn't changed much though so it might be due to male activities rather than general health conditions in the social class.
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies
The oldest male recorded dies at 94 y.o. and the oldest female at 99 y.o. I reported different (higher) numbers earlier but crossing references, it appears it was a clerk's mistake. well, 94 and 99 are still quite high numbers for Early Modern populations in my opinion. Of course there is the bias that the genealogical records were only established for nobility so those people probably had a higher life expectancy than the commoners.
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies
I finished retooting all the tweets I had posted about my Ryukyu People Database in the past years. I recently finished the input of the data from the Naha/Tomari families (there are 3 groups: Shuri, Naha/Tomari and Kume), so time for a small summary !
There are 8296 people in the database, but only 2172 males and 1578 females the age at death of which is known. Based on this data, life expectancy at birth is of 41.8 years for males and 44.5 years for females.
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies
Jun 13 2022
輩氏 安里家 三世 宮平筑登之 「因鍛治業削名乘」!!Why Ryukyuan People? 鍛治業ってそんなに悪い職業ですか?弟二三人尓也してもぜんぜん記録消されていないけど!尓也より鍛治屋儲かるのに?父は仁也で筑登之まで登ったのに?Why? 宮平筑登之、家族が反対でも夢を追って鍛治屋になってえらい!340年後尊敬するよ!
Hai Clan, Asato Family, 3rd Generation, Miyahira Chikudun "Name erased because he's a blacksmith" !! Why ? Is being a blacksmith such a shameful occupation ? He's got two or three younger brothers who are peasants and they absolutely not have been erased from the records !
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies
#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies
Dec 23 2020
Not sure why it's so exciting when you find twins in the genealogies
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies
Dec 23 2020
There are very little cases where it is specified "this person died of illness". you could count the males who die young even if they do not go abroad (not a death at sea then), and the unmarried females who die young (not a death in childbirth) but we can't know if they really died of illness.
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies
Male children are mostly adopted when adult when it's quite clear there won't be any male heir, and some are even adopted post-mortem (death of the parent, not the child, of course...), while female children are adopted when babies.
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies
Dec 15 2020
1. ウシ (406)
2. トゥ (400)
3. チル (368)
4. カドゥ (292)
5. ナビ (290)
6. カミ (195)
7. カマドゥ (133)
8. ンタ (127)
9. グシ・グジ (123)
10. ウトゥ (83)
Top 10 without honorifics ("Ma", "Umi", "Gani"...) and without taking the ideogrammes into account (only reading)
1. Ushi (406)
2. Tu (400)
3. Chiru (368)
4. Kadu (292)
5. Nabi (290)
6. Kami (195)
7. Kamadu (133)
8. Nta (127)
9. Gushi / Guji (123)
10. Utu (83)
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies #RyukyuanNames
#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #琉球人のお名前 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames
Dec 15 2020
1. 思戸 (333)
2. 眞牛 (309)
3. 眞鶴 (297)
4. 眞鍋 (213)
5. 眞加戸 (165)
6. 思龜 (156)
7. 眞蒲戸 (111)
8. 思武太 (95)
9. 眞呉勢 (71)
10. 思戸金 (62)
There are 2880 females of which we know the warabinaa (Ryukyuan given name).
Popular Names Ranking, Best 10!
1. Umitu (333)
2. Maushi (309)
3. Machiru (297)
4. Manabi (213)
5. Makadu (165)
6. Umikami (156)
7. Makamadu (111)
8. Uminta (95)
9. Magushi / Maguji (71)
10. Umitugani (62)
#Ryukyu #RyukyuanNames
#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #琉球人のお名前 #Ryukyu #ryukyuannames
Dec 15 2020
1. タル (202)
2. カマドゥ (201)
3. マチ (187)
4. カミ (163)
5. サンル (162)
6. ヤマドゥ (143)
7. カナ (109)
8. ンタ (100)
9. シル・ジル (86)
10. ウシ (76)
Top 10 without honorifics ("Ma", "Umi", "Gani"...) and without taking the ideogrammes into account (only reading)
1. Taru (202)
2. Kamadu (201)
3. Machi (187)
4. Kami (163)
5. Sanru (162)
6. Yamadu (143)
7. Kana (109)
8. Nta (109)
9. Shiru / Jiru (86)
10. Ushi (76)
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies #RyukyuanNames
#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #琉球人のお名前 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames
Life expectancy at birth for males is 43.9 years. The oldest died at 103 y.o.
Life expectancy at birth for females is 44.7 years. The oldest died at 99 y.o.
Life expectancy for females is higher than for males despite all the risks due to pregnancy !
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies
Dec 15 2020
I just finished the input of the Shuri Genealogies in the database ! To celebrate, a small summary !
I have 1102 men and 912 women whose age at death is known (People of the Shuri families, their wives and the royals)
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies
#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies
Nov 2 2020
Wow, just after the rediffusion of Tempest, the genealogy I'm reading today is the one of the Hirata Family in the Son Clan ! That's destiny ! (not sure what sort of destiny it is though)
Nov 2 2020
By the way, on the first page it is written "they're the descendants of the eldest son of Shō Hashi", what a well-guarded secret...
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies
#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies
Oct 29 2020
In the Ma Clan, they have twins all over the place...
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies
#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies
Oct 29 2020
If you come to work drunk, you'll get sent in exile to the Kerama for 18 years so be careful !
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies
#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #近世琉球史ネタ強化月間 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies
Oct 27 2020
1位 タル (101人)
2位 カマドゥ (101人)
3位 マチ (75人)
Ryukyuan Given Names Ranking, without honorifics ("Ma", "Umi", "Gani"...) and without taking the ideogrammes into account (only reading), Male ver.
1. Taru (101 pers.)
2. Kamadu (101 p.)
3. Machi (75 p.)
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies #RyukyuanNames
#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #近世琉球史ネタ強化月間 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames
Oct 27 2020
琉球人の名前、女性版(1382人中) ベスト3!!
1位 思戸 (127人)
2位 眞牛 (114人)
3位 眞鶴 (113人)
Ryukyuan Given Names Ranking, Female ver. (currently 1382 entries)
1. Umitu 思戸 (127 pers.)
2. Maushi 眞牛 (114 p.)
3. Machiru 眞鶴 (113 p.)
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies #RyukyuanNames
#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #近世琉球史ネタ強化月間 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames
Oct 27 2020
琉球人の名前、男性版(764人中) ベスト3!!
1位 眞蒲戸 (81人)
2位 松金 (66人)
3位 思龜 (55人)
Ryukyuan Given Names Ranking, Male ver. (currently 764 entries)
1. Makamadu 眞蒲戸 (81 pers.)
2. Machigani 松金 (66 p.)
3. Umikami 思龜 (55 p.)
#Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies #RyukyuanNames
#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #近世琉球史ネタ強化月間 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames
Oct 22 2020
継げる男性がいたのに(父の弟)、家を継いだ女性がいる [澤岻按司眞牛金は1666年に兄が早死して喜屋武殿内を継ぐ。その後夫と離別して無嗣で死ぬから父の弟が継ぐ]。
There's a woman who inherited the household even though there was a man still alive to inherit (her father's younger brother)(In 1666 Takushi Aji Maushigani inherits of the Kyan Dunchi Household because her older brother dies young.She then divorces her husband and dies without an heir,which is why her father's younger brother finally inherits) #Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies
#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #近世琉球史ネタ強化月間 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies
Oct 21 2020
There's no snow but there are some people whose honorary name after death is "snowy window" 雪窓 #Ryukyu #RyukyuGenealogies #RyukyuanNames
#家譜を読んで知った誰もいらない豆知識 #近世琉球史ネタ強化月間 #Ryukyu #ryukyugenealogies #ryukyuannames