#ScanSnap S1500のローラー交換について書いたよ!
劣化した ScanSnap S1500 のローラーを交換して完全復活 https://romly.com/blog/scansnap_s1500_roller_replacing/ #S1500 #自炊
@andrewjbtw Fascinating! By the year 2000, «Long distance facsimile or digital-image transmission of materials will be common. National book preservation programs will be operating».
We can only hope that the #InternetArchive will win the lawsuit over #ControlledDigitalLending / #CDL.
P.s.: A PDF 1.3 by PFU ScanSnap Manager 5.1.30 #S1500 and Adobe PDF Scan Library 3.2. I don't see many of these.
#internetarchive #controlleddigitallending #cdl #S1500