[子猫] 両足立ちでパパの帰宅を待ってる子猫は可愛すぎです #S17 https://www.meowmoe.com/65826/
#Americancurl #cat #kinkalow #kitten #Mero #munchkin #neko #アメリカンカール #キンカロー #ニャーニャー #マンチカール #マンチカン #メロちゃん #両足立ち #可愛い #子猫 #甘えん坊 #短足 #耳カール #遊び大好き #鳴き声
#鳴き声 #遊び大好き #耳カール #短足 #甘えん坊 #子猫 #可愛い #両足立ち #メロちゃん #マンチカン #マンチカール #ニャーニャー #キンカロー #アメリカンカール #neko #munchkin #mero #kitten #kinkalow #cat #americancurl #S17
We were mentioned in this piece. Politique ou action directe : les anciens d’Occupy Wall Street ont pris des chemins séparés. #MutualAid #Abolition #Antifa #S17 #OWS. https://www.telerama.fr/debats-reportages/politique-ou-action-directe-les-anciens-d-occupy-wall-street-ont-pris-des-chemins-separes-7004993.php
#MutualAid #Abolition #antifa #S17 #ows
RT @_marisa_holmes
This is a helpful breakdown of arguments being made around the anniversary. Occupy Wall Street/Occupy, ten years on | http://anarchistnews.org #OccupyWallStreet #OWS #S17. https://anarchistnews.org/content/occupy-wall-streetoccupy-ten-years
If you missed the in person screening or are not in NYC check out the film online. #S17 #OWS #OccupyWallStreet
RT @_marisa_holmes
You can watch All Day All Week for free here: https://vimeo.com/172339354
RT @_marisa_holmes
Excellent read in, surprisingly, The Financial Times! #OWS #OccupyWallStreet #S17. https://twitter.com/darrenloucaides/status/1438806258933448705
Occupy did much more than "change the conversation." Read this insightful piece. #S17 #OWS.
RT @natashalennard
“To succeed” doesn’t just mean to win, but also to follow and replace. But we miss a useful lesson if we confine Occupy’s memory to that which laid the ground for Bernie's campaign & “changed the conversation."-Wrote 5 yrs ago, still agree! @theintercept https://theintercept.com/2016/10/01/occupy-wall-street-brooklyn-b…
RT @uneditedcamera
Itching towards #s17 recalling the park, the hundreds moving around the space. The feel as the rock absorbed us. Wallstreet in sight. All around a mess of a masses held together by the constant unknown. The thin flare of another world guiding us and us feeding the flame. #OWS
“There’s nothing that scares the rulers of America more than the prospect of democracy breaking out,” David Graeber in The Democracy Project #S17 #OWS
RT @_marisa_holmes
Check out this piece I wrote. David Graeber’s Real Contribution to Occupy Wall Street Wasn’t a Phrase – It Was a Process | Novara Media https://novaramedia.com/2021/09/04/david-graebers-real-contribution-to-occupy-wall-street-wasnt-a-phrase-it-was-a-process/
RT @inkyfada@twitter.com
#Repost | Le fichage #S17 continue à faire couler beaucoup d'encre. Cette procédure opaque est à retrouver dans le 5ème chapitre du #webdoc "Le dilemme de la justice antiterroriste" par @ChrisCotteret@twitter.com et illustré par @___z__@twitter.com .