Danes na #SAC z BIH v Bruslju: Slovenija ostaja trdna podpornica BiH na njenih evropski in reformni poti. Pripravljeni smo nuditi pomoč državi, posebej tehnično pri izpolnjevanju prednostih nalog za začetek pogajanj za vstop v #EU še letos. Dobrodošla BiH v evropski družini. https://t.co/vKRp6zxVWm
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tfajon/status/1681708886250618884
Good discussion during the Plenay session of the 5th 🇪🇺EU-🇧🇦BiH #SAC in the presence of EU MS
#BiH needs to advance with its EU reform agenda so that it can fully profit from the geopolitical opportunity which made the #Enlargement policy a top priority.
No time to loose! https://t.co/iIF5sUlf89
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/OliverVarhelyi/status/1681718949635846144
:lgbtqiabipocpride: 🥾
If there are businesses you know of in Sacramento that refuse service to Trans and Queer people, let us know at lavenderangels@riseup.net We will lead an investigation and if so, do our part to make their life a living hell. #trans #lgbt #lgbtqia #lesbian #gay #bisexual #queer #intersex #asexual #bigotry #supremecourt #scotus #sac #sacramento #business
#trans #lgbt #lgbtqia #lesbian #gay #bisexual #queer #intersex #asexual #bigotry #supremecourt #scotus #SAC #sacramento #business
RT @EUinAlbania: HR/VP @JosepBorrellF accompanied by Commissioner @OliverVarhelyi will visit #Albania🇦🇱 on 15-16 March on the occasion of🇪🇺EU-Albania Stabilisation and Association Council. This is the first time ever that #SAC takes place in Tirana. More info here: https://www.eeas.europa.eu/eeas/media-advisory-hrvp-josep-borrell-travels-albania-and-north-macedonia-bilateral-stabilisation_en?s=214
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_near/status/1635311540248395779
Nella sua semplicità, un tempo questa riusciva nell'intento di smuovermi dalla mia (apparente) apatìa.
#yokokanno #scottmatthew #gits #SAC #mastoradio
We: Finally, we are in "The Cloud"
The Cloud:
#赞美太阳##青年一个狗##延毕俱乐部##脑髓戏言##观剧笔记##黑暗骑士##sac##永律回廊# 太爽了!太爽了!卡着时间把我想要做的一堆程序都写完了,这个hackthon从昨天早上持续到现在,整个人从受控的高强度焦虑中一点点抽身到一个由纯粹的技术自信和第一性原则支持的数学推理构成的不停reactive的心流体验中。感觉就好比是打黑魂高难第一次就险险过关的感觉!真就是一刀都没贪,贪一刀任务都完不成,而且也没有做出技术上的妥协,同时又搁置了种种想要在分支上继续探究数据的渴望。充满了对自己技术知识栈的感激!我终于将science work中的flow体验和其他的flow体验有意识地统一了!而且youtube刚好给我随到,I'm not a hero.
#赞美太阳 #青年一个狗 #延毕俱乐部 #脑髓戏言 #观剧笔记 #黑暗骑士 #SAC #永律回廊
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz4ymeHDy3M) 讲消费主义脱钩的。然后以此为契机,开始自己做三明治并乐在其中感觉却是是这样,丈量金钱/需求的唯一方法就是亲自流汗动手。最后某天youtube给我推荐了一期讲日本男星的节目我看了以后下一个给我上了我很久以前看过的一期讲山田孝之的,最后就给我引导到暗金丑岛君里。我觉得挺神奇的。最好玩的是,我一直在想的,已经有一个hyper-universe 我们每个人背后都有一个由数据构成的超现实(不是supernature的超现实)实体。像我这样对youtube和谷歌的AI算法使用度极深的人可能自身命运的很大一部分已经交给了它。或者换句话说,这大概本来就是我命运的显现?算法不必成神。