Poe ti permette di sfruttare al meglio l'AI creando chatbot personalizzati
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Ma quale blocco! ChatGPT รจ accessibile senza VPN
#ChatGPT #OpenAI #chatbot #IntelligenzaArtificiale #neurobot #reteneurale #Poe #Claude #Sage #dragonfly
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4/ To reiterate, none of us believe that #PredatoryPublishing is a useful concept and it is often used as a stick with which to beat #OpenAccess publishers, while subscription dinosaurs like #Elsevier, #Sage, #Wiley, #TaylorAndFrancis and #Springer get a free pass. However, it seemed to us like we had all run out of patience with #MDPI and when @gemmaderrick and @bart announced they were resigning, we stepped down in solidarity with a reminder to publishers that a journal is "simply a name."
#predatorypublishing #openaccess #elsevier #SAGE #wiley #taylorandfrancis #springer #mdpi