🇩🇪 #Meermittwoch im #Mittelmeer: die #Crew einer #Segelyacht findet leere #Boote, die in den Wellen treiben. Ziel der Törns ist, bei Bedarf Menschen Hilfe zu leisten. Unterstützung gewünscht - bitte ➡️ @boatspotting folgen und boosten! 🇬🇧🇺🇸 #Seawednesday in the #Mediterranean: the crew of a sailing #yacht spots empty #boats at #sea. Their #goal: helping humans whenever required. Supporting them is a good idea: please follow ➡️ and boost! #SAR #photography #notmyphoto
#meermittwoch #Mittelmeer #crew #segelyacht #Boote #seawednesday #mediterranean #Yacht #boats #sea #goal #SAR #photography #notmyphoto
Another night and many miles in the #catalinas. #Tucson #SAR #gilamonster
#catalinas #tucson #SAR #gilamonster
RT Hans Leijtens
I welcome the @EUombudsman inquiry and will cooperate in full transparency to explain the role #Frontex plays in search and rescue operations. Although we do not coordinate #SAR operations, saving lives at sea is essential. We provide support to national authorities when needed.
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European Ombudsman: We have opened an inquiry to clarify @Frontex role in search and rescue sea operations following the drowning of over 500 people off the Greek coast on 14 June.
📌 https://www.ombudsman.europa.eu/press-release/172857?utm_source=some_EO&utm_medium=twitter_organic&utm_campaign=frontex_OI_search-rescue
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LeijtensFrontex/status/1684159346538848266
Livräddning i Medelhavet:
Vi har precis antagit viktiga rekommendationer till EU Kommissionen och till EU:s medlemsländer.
Läs gärna @Left_EU tråd .
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Cornelia Ernst: ‼️ Important vote today in the #EPlenary on #SAR. Parliament adopted a strong resolution on “The need for EU action on search and rescue in the Mediterranean.” Here are the most important points👇🏼🧵 https://t.co/zrHRuK1QLj
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MalinBjork_EU/status/1679445398262358016
Re Désormais la balle est dans le camp de la @EU_Commission qui doit agir rapidement sans balayer la demande claire de l’@Europarl_FR d'avoir une opération #européenne de recherche et #sauvetage en #mer.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/sylvieguillaume/status/1679461516834222080
#européenne #Sauvetage #mer #SAR
The @Europarl_BE adopts resolution calling for a #UE search and rescue mission at sea #SAR.
5 weeks after the deadly shipwreck #Pylos, + necessary than ever to create a fair and effective #asylum system, based on solidarity, human rights and legal and safe access routes https://t.co/mLKcV7f6KW
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/saskiabricmont/status/1679441709166460930
Re 🔻calls - after a review of the cooperation and a fundamental rights assessment - for the suspension of cooperation with the #Libyan coast guard
🔻 calls for a comprehensive EU #SAR mission and proactive SAR operations by MS and #Frontex
🔻 calls to stop criminalising SAR NGOs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ErnstCornelia/status/1679443718678491136
RT RedCrossEU
Today @europarl_en votes #SAR resolution calling on EU MS & @Frontex to enhance proactive operations in cooperation with NGOs & set up an EU SAR mission. @europarl_en members must do their part to ensure that the EU steps up life-saving operations to avoid more tragic shipwrecks. https://t.co/ScQN3hXIkX
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RedCrossEU/status/1679421089745698821
Global News BC: Second search for missing B.C. hiker Melissa McDevitt suspended https://globalnews.ca/news/9821821/second-search-melissa-mcdevitt-suspended/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #SearchsuspendedMelissaMcDevitt #MissingVancouverIslandhiker #MissingVancouverIslandwoman #BCsearchformissingperson #MelissaMcDevitt #missingbcperson #searchsuspended #MissingBCwoman #missingperson #SookeRCMP #Canada #BCRCMP #BCSAR #SAR
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #searchsuspendedmelissamcdevitt #missingvancouverislandhiker #missingvancouverislandwoman #bcsearchformissingperson #MelissaMcDevitt #missingbcperson #searchsuspended #missingbcwoman #missingperson #SookeRCMP #Canada #BCRCMP #bcsar #SAR
#DYK that the Forward Link Service, part of the #Galileo Search and Rescue #SAR service, reported a monthly availability of over 99% during the fourth quarter of last year📈🛰️ ❓
Read more about the Galileo Performance Reports here👇
#useGalileo https://t.co/6Z8SepqtdV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/defis_eu/status/1677667249077862401
#DYK #Galileo #SAR #useGalileo
If you are in Pima County and are interested in making a difference in your community, join me tonight at the Southern Arizona Rescue Association orientation. This is an all volunteer mountain rescue team. Sign up here http://sarci.org/sara. #tucson #sar
Un point de vue qui synthétise beaucoup des impasses que nous dénonçons avec @TheProgressives notamment sur l'organisation des recherches et secours en mer #SAR
(NB : la traduction automatique est possible !)
Smugglers cash in on EU migrant obstacles https://euobserver.com/migration/157208
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/sylvieguillaume/status/1674709448315613184
Re Mais ce séjour renforce ma conviction de l’urgence à:
- créer un service d’opérations #SAR réellement européen
- développer des voies légales de #migration, pour éviter les voies actuelles périlleuses et mortelles
Les drames s’accumulent en #Méditerranée ; nous devons agir.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/sylvieguillaume/status/1671567928343265284
What an absolutely incredible effort. The Columbian Army and volunteers found four children lost in the jungle on Friday last week. The kids were in a plane crash and were roaming the jungle for 40 days. I have been on search missions looking for children and this story has left me in tears. #SAR https://apnews.com/article/colombia-plane-crash-children-survive-amazon-jungle-ayahuasca-7bf79704dcd2ab361b62cf7bfff6857b
I find this harmonisation of rules for #SAR organisations very scary. Which guarantees do we have that they will facilitate rescuing and decriminalise humanitarians, instead of cementing the deadly rules of Italy and Greece? Saving lives is an obligation, not a crime.
RT @StatewatchEU: European Commission wants common rules on "registration and certification" for search and rescue organisations
Draft plan includes measures that could hinder #SAR activities
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Tineke_Strik/status/1662029132639748097
Global News BC: Camper injured during evening hike near Okanagan Lake https://globalnews.ca/news/9645544/camper-injured-during-evening-hike-near-okanagan-lake/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #centralokanagansearchandrescue #KelownaGeneralHospital #SearchandRescue #missinghiker #okanaganlake #buchanbay #Canada #COSAR #SAR
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #centralokanagansearchandrescue #KelownaGeneralHospital #searchandrescue #missinghiker #okanaganlake #buchanbay #Canada #cosar #SAR