🆘~34 vite in pericolo in zona #SAR maltese.@alarm_phone è stato contattato da un’imbarcazione in fuga da #Bengazi, in #Libia. Le persone a bordo sono alla deriva, senza cibo e acqua.Le autorità sono state allertate.#DontLetThemDrownAlarm Phone: 🆘 ~34 people in distress in Malta #SARWe were contacted by a boat with ~34 people fleeing #Benghazi, #Libya. They are drifting in the Search And Rescue area of #Malta without food & water. We alerted the authorities & hope they will take the necessary actions to rescue them.
#sar #Bengazi #libia #DontLetThemDrownAlarm #SARWe #benghazi #libya #malta