Super excited to see the release of #Semgrep Code. Amazing results with higher coverage, higher confidence and deeper analysis. And on top of that, the new taint traces make it so easy to understand your finding! #sast
See for details:
#DevFestNantes #DevSecOps #SAST
Demo de CodeQL de github :
Tests lancés sur les push dans main, sur les pull requests, mais aussi en cron (car l’écosystème bouge).
#SAST #devsecops #DevFestNantes
What's new in Python 3.11? - DeepSource
#deepsource #deepsource_io #deep_source #continuous_quality #technical_debt #code_analysis #code_quality #source_code analysis #static_analysis #security_analysis #sast
#SAST #security_analysis #static_analysis #source_code #code_quality #code_analysis #technical_debt #continuous_quality #deep_source #deepsource_io #deepsource