Update: Also while I was out, Alabama actually went back to #SCOTUS already in the redistricting case, with an unbelievable-if-it-weren't-so-believable request. The docket is 23A231. https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23A231/279343/20230911172756288_Milligan%20S%20Ct%20Stay%20Application%20-%209-11%20FINAL%20415pm.pdf
For in-depth background on this Alabama story, read my Q&A with @EliasLawGroup’s @Abha_Khanna_ — one of the lawyers who argued the challenges to Alabama’s map at #SCOTUS and is now fighting this latest map: https://www.lawdork.com/p/law-dork-qa-with-abha-khanna
“If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede." - #SCOTUS Justice Antonin Scalia (2006) https://newyorkpersonalinjuryattorneyblog.com/2010/02/scalia-there-is-no-right-to-secede.html
Leo and Ginni - A story
featuring anonymous billionaires , now infamous Harlan Crowe, a SCOTUS justice, Citizens United, a Chief Justice who put a for sale sign on the SCOTUS , Sqee’s boof bud and your rights.
#corruption #graft #ethics #scotus #federalists #coup #Trump
#corruption #graft #ethics #SCOTUS #federalists #coup #trump
Black people don't despise #Thomas because he's a #conservative. They reject him because they say he's a "#hypocrite" and a "#traitor" who hurts his own people to help himself.
#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #SupremeCorruption #UncleClarence
#thomas #conservative #hypocrite #traitor #SCOTUS #supremecourt #supremecorruption #uncleclarence
Samuel Alito Is Wrong and Arrogant—and Must Be Reined In: The associate justice says Congress has no authority to regulate the Supreme Court. The Constitution he allegedly reveres says otherwise. A lot.
Good piece in TNR on an out-of-control justice who substitutes his will for the law and thinks ethics and accountability are for other people.
Unfortunately, I'm not optimistic that a dysfunctional Congress is up to the task.
In case you missed it: On Friday evening, both the Biden administration and the maker of mifepristone went to #SCOTUS in the case over abortion medication access. Read about it, and get the filings, at Law Dork: https://www.lawdork.com/p/doj-and-mifepristone-drugmaker-go
Trump’s High Court Hail Mary - Trump and His Conservative Supreme Court may be on a Collision Course
> ...in a 1977 interview, in which Nixon said of an illegal act by the commander in chief that “when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal."
> In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court in 1974 rejected Nixon’s argument – a ruling that marked the end of his presidency.
https://www.usnews.com/news/the-report/articles/2023-09-08/are-trump-and-his-conservative-supreme-court-on-a-collision-course #DonaldTrump #SCOTUS
Funded by Harlan Crow, who was recently exposed for footing the bill for Ginni and Clarence Thomas' lavish vacations and more, the Supreme Court justice's wife worked with Federalist Society leader Leonard Leo to advance the conservative agenda.
Citizens United opened the floodgates to dirty money in politics. Dred Scott was the worst #SCOTUS decision. Citizens United is a close second.
Here’s my report on DOJ and Danco Laboratories *both* seeking cert at #SCOTUS on Friday in the mifepristone case (with both petitions posted, of course), and more. New, at Law Dork: https://www.lawdork.com/p/doj-and-mifepristone-drugmaker-go
This story of how #corruption permeates the highest level of our country's legal and political systems continues to unravel and yet there is no action. This is shameful, and deadly for our democracy. What #GinniThomas and #LeonardLeo wrought: How a justice’s wife and a key activist started a movement. Thanks to #SCOTUS #CitizensUnited ruling, a trove of so-called #darkmoney was about to be unleashed. 2 activists prepared to seize the moment. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/10/ginni-thomas-leonard-leo-citizens-united-00108082
#Corruption #GinniThomas #leonardleo #SCOTUS #citizensunited #darkmoney
Today in Labor History September 10, 1962: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Civil Rights Leader, James Meredith, could be admitted to the University of Mississippi. White rioters burned cars, pelted federal agents and soldiers with rocks, bricks and shot at them. 31,000 soldiers were sent to quell the violence, the largest ever use of the Insurrection Act of 1807. Two people died. Meredith was harassed throughout his time at the university. He went on to organize the March against Fear from Memphis to Jackson. He also was active in the Voting Rights movement. He went on to become an adviser to the right-wing, segregationist Senator Jesse Helms.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #CivilRights #racism #JimCrow #segregation #JamesMeredith #OleMiss #Riot #SCOTUS
#workingclass #LaborHistory #civilrights #racism #jimcrow #segregation #jamesmeredith #OleMiss #Riot #SCOTUS
What Ginni Thomas and Leonard Leo wrought: How a justice’s wife and a key activist started a movement https://politi.co/3ExpGO9 via @politico #scotus #clarencethomas #ginnithomas #leoleonard #citizensunited
#citizensunited #leoleonard #ginnithomas #clarencethomas #SCOTUS
The infiltration of zealotry over the rule of law on the #SCOTUS has been going on for at least 40 years.
#GinniThomas was an opportunist, who realized she could use access to her husband to maximum her advantage.
She placed herself over the country. https://www.rawstory.com/ginni-thomas-helped-establish-a-billion-dollar-force-ahead-of-citizens-united-report-2665182157/
Thanks for posting @GottaLaff
Me: I've been shouting from the rooftops for years that Citizens United singlehandedly ruined American politics & wld end democracy, too. Of course--Leonard Leo & Ginni Thomas had a big part in amassing exactly what it was meant to do😡
"Via NYCSouthpaw:
As Citizens United decision was being written at the Supreme Court, #GinniThomas, #LeonardLeo, #HarlanCrow & #CletaMitchell were laying groundwork for a dark money empire. #SCOTUS https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/10/g
#ginnithomas #leonardleo #harlancrow #cletamitchell #SCOTUS
It's clear with #Alito and #Thomas that all you have to do is buy them nice vacations, wine and dine them, and pander/compliment them like you're trying to score, and you'll get at least 2 #SCOTUS judges ruling for you every time! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/alito-recusal-refusal_n_64fb5af6e4b001fc1fdfa0e6
In May, Chief Justice Roberts announced that, "I am committed to making certain that we as a court adhere to the highest standards of conduct...I am confident there are ways to do that...."
So, how's it going?
As of last Thursday, Justice Kavanaugh stated, "We are continuing to work on those issues..."
How hard is it to apply the same ethical standards to Supreme Court justices as apply to every other federal judge? Which justices are holding up reform?
#brettkavanaugh #johnroberts #SCOTUS
Alito will not recuse in case involving lawyer who interviewed him https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/09/08/alito-recusal-wall-street-journal-rivkin/ #scotus #alito #corrupt
BREAKING: The Biden administration goes to #SCOTUS in the mifepristone case, as expected. Based on the Fifth Circuit's ruling, DOJ is asking SCOTUS to hear its case for the 2016 and 2021 actions easing access, including ending the in-person dispensing requirement.
Here's the full DOJ cert petition: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23945337-usfda-et-al-v-alliance-for-hippocratic-medicine-et-al-petition