The claim of a need for security does not negate the fact Thomas didn’t report the flights. He’s using a straw man argument (that he needs private flights instead of commercial flights for security) as a distraction from his ethics problems. He wants to move the conversation away from ethics. #politics #scotusiscompromised
#SCOTUSIsCompromised #politics
Listening to The PoliticsGirl Podcast (UnJust Justice: A Conversation about SCOTUS with Dahlia Lithwick):
Despite how frustrated we might be with the ethics, decisions, and arrogance of this far right activist court, guest Dahlia Lithwick believes we’re actually at an amazing moment in American history where we have the opportunity to really address the court with our politics. #politics #supremecourt #scotus #SCOTUSIsCorrupt #SCOTUSIsCompromised
#SCOTUSIsCompromised #SCOTUSIsCorrupt #scotus #supremecourt #politics
#GinniThomas is swamp sucking racist shrew. She told lies but I don't believe it meets the standard of criminality. Unless, there are some things we do not know.
#TrumpIndictment #SCOTUSiscompromised
#SCOTUSIsCompromised #trumpindictment #ginnithomas
Justice Samuel Alito Insists Congress Has No Power To ‘Regulate’ Supreme Court
@rbreich this has been in the works by #GOP and Federalist Society for almost 40 years! Keep the poor, even poorer and give all the power to the top 1%. I'm sure Thomas and Alito's sugar daddy's approve!
#FridayVibes #ExpandSCOTUS #SCOTUSIsCompromised #gop
@QasimRashid posted today, the backdrop of today's #SCOTUSiscompromised decision and the quest to deliver it. Thank you sir.
Black rep in Ivy Leagues:
•Harvard 6.6%
•Yale 6.5%
•Brown 7.0%
•Princeton 4.7%
•Columbia 5.1%
•Cornell 5.0%
White rep in HBCUs:
Despite AA, Ivy Leagues are worse at accepting Black students than HBCUs are at accepting white students—and now even AA is gone."
Supreme Court strikes down affirmative action programs at Harvard and UNC
We all knew that #SCOTUSiscompromised would affirm "American whiteness in this decision. This is not just for the purpose of college admissions, the reverberations from this decision are at the base of every aspect of AmeriKKKan life. Truth be told, affirmative action programs never worked for some of the targeted populations EXCEPT in college admissions.
#BlackMastodon #SCOTUSIsCompromised
Elie Mystal
@ElieNYC @thenation
has been working on a new podcast. It's called Contempt of Court and it will be a limited series where I talk about Supreme Court reform. The theory and politics behind each major aspect out there
#SCOTUScorruption #SCOTUSiscompromised
#BlackMastodon #SCOTUSIsCompromised #scotuscorruption
It occurs to me that #roberts and #Kavanaugh went in on the recent affirmative AL voting rights case to create a bargaining chip on the upcoming AffirmativeAction case where they will devastate equal non-discrimination law. Just looking forward and knowing snakes.
#BlackMastodon #EEO #SCOTUSiscompromised
#SCOTUSIsCompromised #eeo #BlackMastodon #kavanaugh #roberts
The corruption that is so aggressively deforming American legislative landscapes is simply scandalous. 🤣 And that #MSNBC for more than two weeks has been characterizing clear ethics violations (at minimum) by #ClarenceThomas & #NeilGorsuch and now CJ #Roberts "ethical considerations" is outrageous. And fails to follow the newest from this vile cretin !!
#LeonardLeo diverts money illegally to his businesses.
What will they call this?
#SCOTUScorruption #SCOTUSiscompromised
#SCOTUSIsCompromised #scotuscorruption #LeonardLeo #roberts #neilgorsuch #clarencethomas #msnbc
I expect this kind of thing from the conservative justices. Their entire position came from corruption and willingness to ignore ethics, but I'm profoundly ashamed of the liberal justices signing onto the statement wholesale. The issue here is not "Will you continue to be ethical", but *what* ethical standards are being upheld, and an willingness to allow external ethical regulation. The Supreme Court is not an untouchable obelisk of impartiality.
From Laurence Tribe
·I am posting this because it is worth repeating.
"The U.S. Supreme Court has become so grave a threat to liberty, equality, dignity, and science and the rule of law that we breathe a sigh of relief and celebrate when it manages to do the obviously right thing. How sad is that!" #SCOTUSiscompromised
Well, well, well … it appears that #SCOTUS Justice Thomas’ mom lives rent free in the house that #GOPDonor bought from him a while back (oh, and none of this was disclosed).
#scotus #gopdonor #ImpeachClarenceThomas #SCOTUSIsCompromised
Least possible effort to rehabilitate his image.
#SCOTUS #scotus #scotusiscompromised #scotusstench #Politics #politics
#politics #scotusstench #SCOTUSIsCompromised #scotus
While we are looking @ #SCOTUSiscompromised. I have questions. Who paid off Brett Kavanaugh's debts, and bought themselves a Supreme Court Justice? Who was #Kavanaugh #harlancrow Was it #LeoLeonard Who was the single anonymous donor who gave $17 million to a Leonard Leo-affiliated far-right legal organization to promote Kavanaugh's confirmation?
All responses are welcomed.
#leoleonard #harlancrow #kavanaugh #SCOTUSIsCompromised
Simply stated, applying to his days in MA as a student to as an official in government: #ClarenceThomas has always been a sleazy, vile booger. Americans are being played by #SCOTUS
#SCOTUScorruption #SCOTUSiscompromised
#SCOTUSIsCompromised #scotuscorruption #SCOTUS #clarencethomas
I've "not forgotten file":
#Publix $3m donation to Proud Boys
#MattGaetz child trafficking
#LBo tour guide for Attack
#Ethics investigation #SCOTUS #SCOTUSiscompromised
#SCOTUSIsCompromised #SCOTUS #ethics #lbo #mattgaetz #publix #maralargoespionage #ginnithomas
And yet SCOTUS struck down vaccine mandates. The cruelty is the point.
#IllegitimateSCOTUS #SCOTUSIsCompromised