DEANJIMMY · @deanjimmy
178 followers · 1677 posts · Server

Got a new 🤙
It is smaller than the old🤗
Even hosts most of my games, I need a place for my save games 🕹

#c64 #SD2IEC #kungfuflash

Last updated 1 year ago

Ruben Schade 🔰 · @rubenerd
307 followers · 1120 posts · Server

Seasons Greetings from Commodore :’)

#commodore64 #RetroTINK #SD2IEC

Last updated 2 years ago

@xahmol I am currently using and devices, but both have shortcomings that have not been reported by UII+ users, especially when it comes to custom loader routines and disk (image) swapping.

Aside from that, there are so many cool features in this thing that I simply couldn't resist getting one anymore. I still think it's something for the "power-user", as sd2iec will probably serve 90% of people using real hardware well.

#SD2IEC #pi1541

Last updated 2 years ago

@xahmol @peter I simply unplug the cable connecting the internal 1571 with the mainboard. Easy to do as I'm the lucky owner of a plastic . In fact, I keep it unplugged and only use or devices with it. I'm nostalgic and - but my love for has vanished since proper solutions became available.

#c128d #SD2IEC #pi1541 #retro #floppydisks #sdcard

Last updated 2 years ago

So today I eventually found some time to patch my english GEOS 2.0 install to version 2.0r which enables support for the expansion I purchased recently.

I set up a "RAM 1581" floppy disk drive and as you see in the video, can copy files to it. Nice, wish I had such a cool setup in 1987 ...

You can find the disks containing patched versions for GEOBOOT and CONFIGURE (to replace the ones of your otiginal 2.0 install) here, at the bottom of the page:

P.S.: I used my equipped with the neoRam expansion and an drive along with an videograbber on my box to capture the video.

#neoram #uAX64MiniLong #SD2IEC #easycap #linux #commodorer64 #geos

Last updated 2 years ago

Marc · @m2c_n3e
161 followers · 318 posts · Server

My favourite cartridge for the , the v5 is getting a lot of love recently. I replaced the EEPROM of one of the clones I built with a 128kB specimen and flashed Adrian Gonzales' SnappyROM. Now I can also use it with the . I also updated my to the most recent firmware version which can also load the SnappyROM now. I heard rumors about the ROM for a few years and I am happy that it is finally available for everybody now.

#c64 #supersnapshot #SD2IEC #KungFuFlash #retrocomputing

Last updated 2 years ago

Josip Retro Bits · @josipretrobits
111 followers · 348 posts · Server

Hi, I made a video on how to modify SD2IEC devices (bare bone PCB type), so they can be used on commodore plus/4, c128 and c64.

#c64 #plus4 #commodore #SD2IEC #retrocomputing

Last updated 2 years ago

Josip Retro Bits · @josipretrobits
111 followers · 348 posts · Server

How to change SD2IEC Device Number through software by using commodore basic commands. I wrote a small basic program to configure the device number on SD2IEC and you can keep it on an SD card in your SD2IEC device to be ready when needed.

#commodore64 #c64 #retrocomputing #basic #SD2IEC

Last updated 2 years ago