Miyawaki #Forest get major write up in @NewYorkTimes (gift article at TinyURL link)
#ClimateAction #Climate #SDG15 #Forest
RT @UNWTO: In May, we stand for and celebrate #SDG15.
Tourism can play a major role if sustainably managed, not only in preserving healthy ecosystems and biodiversity, but also in generating revenue as an alternative livelihood to local communities.
@GlobalGoalsUN https://t.co/lxj9VH00X4
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1663516351741280259
RT @BTV_UNWTO: The Goal of the Month is Life on Land. In line with #SDG15, all #BestTourismVillage's objective is to protect and restore biodiversity loss, manage forests, and combat desertification through #sustainabledevelopment
@UNWTO @btv_UNWTO @GlobalGoalsUN @UN @TheGlobalGoals https://t.co/5jqJQB9ODG
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ElenaKountoura/status/1653784948006846466
#SDG15 #BestTourismVillage #SustainableDevelopment
While @FAO’s #RemoteSensing data reveals that global deforestation is slowing down, it is still a serious issue.
Our interactive story provides insights into the world’s forests & lets you explore forests from 2 different vantage points 👉 https://bit.ly/3KBgHw2
Partizipative Biodiversitätsprojekte im Bremer Stadtteil Gröpelingen werden gefördert: https://www.senatspressestelle.bremen.de/pressemitteilungen/naturbasierte-loesungen-fuer-mehr-biodiversitaet-in-der-stadt-420269?asl=bremen02.c.732.de #sdg15
RT @earsc: Accurate data on land use and impact of this usage is needed to be able to combat the destruction of fragile ecosystems.
#EO data can help to monitor the #ecosystems, want to know how?
Read more ➡️ https://earsc-portal.eu/display/EOwiki/EO+Supporting+the+Sustainable+Development+Goals
#SDG15 #eo #statistics #EARSCsupportsSDGs
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/1583730305772371968
#EO #ecosystems #SDG15 #statistics #EARSCsupportsSDGs
RT @FAO: Urban trees & forests can:
🌳Increase urban biodiversity
🌳Filter urban pollutants
🌳Reduce carbon emissions
More benefits 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Plants_EFSA/status/1523603901634605057