Ralf Paul Bittner · @ralfpaulbittner
20 followers · 128 posts · Server nrw.social

💻 Arnsberg in 3D erleben: Das könnt ihr ab sofort online bei uns unter

👉 arnsberg.virtualcitymap.de 👈

👥 Das Stadtmodell ist die Basis für unseren digitalen Stadt-Zwilling – das Herzstück der Arnsberger Smart-City-Strategie. Ziel ist, ein möglichst virtuelles, dreidimensionales Abbild der Stadt zu schaffen, das – für alle frei verfügbar – verschiedene Funktionen bietet.

#allesarnsberg #StadtArnsberg #Arnsberg #sdg9 #SDG11 #sdg13 #SDG16 #SmartCity #digitalerZwilling #5fursudwestfalen

Last updated 1 year ago

🇪🇺EU at UN-NY · @EUatUN
74 followers · 4727 posts · Server respublicae.eu

Improving governance and reducing corruption are essential to achieving .

The EU is committed to promoting the rule of law & access to justice, fighting illicit financial flows & corruption.

Statement @UNECOSOC ➡️eeas.europa.eu/delegations/un-

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status


Last updated 1 year ago

RT @ADELANTE_UE_ALC: Esta Iniciativa de busca transferir una estrategia cultural comunitaria y herramientas de intervención territorial que contribuyan a la transformación social.

Más info👉 adelante2.eu/es/iniciativas/it

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/UEenColombia/

#CooperaciónTriangular #SDG11 #SDG16

Last updated 2 years ago

This article highlights that the UN chief recently stressed the importance of in a briefing to the , bypassing the usual indirect rhetoric of Sustainable Development Goal 16 democracywithoutborders.org/26

#democracy #UNGA #SDG16

Last updated 2 years ago

December 2022 saw Souksaveuy Keotiamchanh win the of the Award in . Ms. Keotiamchanh in 2019 founded , a who partners w/over 100 youth and international organisations, esp. Green Girls of Laos who, through 'capacity-building, knowledge-sharing, and policy advising help raise awareness of management, and work w/#civilsociety to achieve .

#women #future #southeastasia #singapore #zerowaste #laos #cso #solidwaste #environmental #sustainability #sdgs #SDG11 #SDG16

Last updated 2 years ago

Latest data for from ,
1. UCL PM2.5 = 34.6 ug/m^3
2. UCL PM2.5-related xs deaths = 24200
3.UCL PM2.5 - 43% above levels, 291% above levels in W , 426% above levels, 448% above levels in . Important to note is that overall conditions in the country have been, (and are) consistently worsening since the take-over of its freely-elected . Myanmar = anti

#pm25 #myanmar #stateofglobalair #ASEAN #europe #Australasia #northamerica #environmental #authoritarian #government #SDG16

Last updated 2 years ago

🇪🇺EU at UN-NY · @EUatUN
67 followers · 3297 posts · Server respublicae.eu

RT @UNDP_Pacific: 📢The 🇪🇺 and UNDP 🇺🇳 recently signed into action a € 1,100,000 project ‘the Pacific Digital Democracy Initiative’ to strengthen democratic practices and protect principles in the space in the . Find out more 👉🏾 undp.org/pacific/press-release

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status

#EU #humanrights #digital #pacific #SDG16

Last updated 2 years ago

Maddening, frustrating, then comes some form of capitulation. generates millions of tonnes of annually w/mismgmnt leading to ltd. traceable (??), and repeat violations poisoning rivers, and plantable soils w/nary a 'wrist slap.' and clarity of proper govt. legal/reg. purview w/out ministry , or is what is required for effctv. & .

#Thailand #plasticspollution #plasticswaste #importation #corporate #environmental #ruleoflaw #coi #corruption #governance #accountability #SDG16

Last updated 2 years ago

Peace, justice and strong institutions - How does the EU support worldwide?
@ITCO_Intergroup @daniel_freund @anticorruption

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/EP_ThinkTank/


Last updated 2 years ago

in collab. w/ the and have begun to publish periodic information bulletins largely highlighting issues and trends w/#illegal happening btwn. EU and violators. Bulletin 1 eyes key challenges in ,
1.Ltd. tracking/tracing capacity of shipments
2.waste concealment/mislabelling/misdeclaring
3.Insufficient capacity
4.Ltd. govt. punitive mechanisms


#unodc #eu #unep #unitar #solidwaste #trade #ASEAN #indonesia #malaysia #Thailand #vietnam #enforcement #crime #SDG16

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter · @Pdr1966
85 followers · 5241 posts · Server norden.social

The is linked to a rise in dumping in , according to the Dept. of . Current amendments to the EQA (if passed) would impose fines of up to 10 Million RM, and a 5-year jail term for convicted perpetrator(s). There is currently an existing 'hotline' to report violator(s), but perhaps the more pressing issue relates to the motivation behind this type of behaviour in the first place.

#pandemic #illegal #toxic #medical #waste #malaysia #kl #environment #EnvironmentalCrime #SDG16

Last updated 2 years ago

The is linked to a rise dumping in , according to the Dept. of . Current amendments to the EQA (if passed) would impose incr. fines of up to 10 Million RM, and a possible 5-year jail term
for convicted perpetrator(s). There's currently and existing 'hotline' to report violator(s), but perhaps the key pressing issue is more closely tied to what motivates this type of behaviour in the first place.

#pandemic #toxic #illegal #medical #waste #malaysia #kl #environment #SDG16

Last updated 2 years ago

April 2022, ambient .5 levels in exceeded (by 4X) the WHO AQG. The cost of accts. for nearly 11% of the nation's ; an externalised cost the burden of which is bore by , and exposes the profound socio-economic disparity that arises from this unnecessary reality. .9 .6 .7 .10

#PM2 #Thailand #toxic #airpollution #gdp #civilsociety #publichealth #sdgs #SDG3 #SDG11 #SDG16 #environmentaljustice #ej #ASEANsustainable #goodaqisaveslives

Last updated 2 years ago

Effctv. incl. and programmes necessary to reduce/prevent impacts from consumer waste and requires a 'shared' and coordinated effort from the and govt. , hwvr, is an unfort. exmpl of how this can all fall apart in the face of 'transparency-crushing' that has, and continues to restrict information disclosure and access, and the will of the ppl.

#SDG16 #authoritarianism #myanmar #PrivateSector #civilsociety #pollution #chemical #Planning #policy #stewardship #environmental

Last updated 2 years ago

Reports have surfaced, and are being documented of the impacts to communities located nearby [illegal] trace metal mining operations in . Extracted metals harvested for a variety of globally popular electronics products are tied to by-products assoc. w/numerous negative health outcomes. The social-political problem is 2-fold, 1) the junta govt.'s econ. reliance on private sector collaboration, and 2) cont'd breakdown of the .

#SDG16 #ruleoflaw #toxic #myanmar #publichealth

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @UNODC_HTMSS: For every 10 trafficking victims detected globally in 2020, approx 4 were adult women & 2 were girls.

Around 70% of all persons investigated for by law enforcement authorities were men.

More in "Monitoring : A Gender Perspective": unodc.org/documents/data-and-a

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/EURightsAgency/statu

#HumanTrafficking #SDG16

Last updated 2 years ago

Lord of the Words · @Lordoftzewords
57 followers · 78 posts · Server nrw.social

Liebes ! Was macht Ihr mit Oberstufenschülern zum Thema Iran? Überlege, im Rahmen unseres Erasmus+ Projekts etwas zum SDG 16 zu starten, bin aber gerade etwas überfragt, was die Schüler*innen interessieren könnte. Any ideas?

#FediLZ #SDG16 #erasmusplus #iran

Last updated 2 years ago

Copernicus EU · @CopernicusEU
879 followers · 5805 posts · Server respublicae.eu

RT @earsc: We are continuing our campaign with the 🕊️⚖️

& data contributes to achieving peaceful societies providing data-driven analysis and evidence-based reporting on conflicts & violations around the globe.


🐦🔗: nitter.eu/CopernicusEU/status/

#SDGs #SDG16 #EO #geoinformation #humanrights

Last updated 2 years ago