Abraxas3d W5NYV · @abraxas3d
752 followers · 1614 posts · Server mastodon.radio

Today in the lab? We're on to filter banks in implementations, all work.

Thanks to everyone that helps make stuff like this happen, or supports those of us that spend the time to develop it, whether it's at @OpenResearchIns or someplace else!

You are the heroes we don't deserve, yet rely upon to fully enjoy advanced and . :D

#SDRs #communications #digital #opensource #fpga #polyphase

Last updated 1 year ago

AG7GM Dan · @AG7GM
74 followers · 22 posts · Server mastodon.radio

Hah! Just like me to not fully read posts. Here's my tiny Thanks @M0YNG I'm a relatively new amateur extra who's gotten distracted by the pandemic, so I'm slowly getting back into it. I like making things, particularly , but want to learn about , , , , and modes. Catch you on the air.

#digital #SDRs #morse #pota #satellites #antennas #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago