Oh, for zuth's sake! 💢​
It's yet another rehash of #ProjectDiva Arcade #FutureTone! :sticker_pika_mad:​
Not that it or any of its derivations are bad games, but Jesus Christ! What do they think we are? Masochists?!
They think it's fine to repackage their arcade entry and sell it like a whole new thing with no regard for how harder it is compared to any home or portable entry in the series. It's just an awful business decision that will alienate newcomers to the series with its bone crunching, hair pulling, quarter munching levels of hard!
Come on, #SEGA! Yeah, the challenge will always be there like you say with your Master System ads, but you can't just keep the difficulty curve so high for new players!
Shame on you! 😡
#SEGAFeatHatsuneMiku #hatsunemiku #vocaloid #sega #FutureTone #ProjectDiva