Just found something interesting on a Bing SERP: they were not only showing individual images as usual, but were combining several images in one frame.
In the close-up image you can see current products as well as their predecessors. Meaning: these older images are not at all displayed on the website.
My guess is that the Bing algorithm groups images together, which have something in common - as long as they are to be found on that webserver.
#Bing #SERP #search #seo #ml #imagesearch #ai
Bing is testing SERPs without URLs today. The dropdown for the recent cache is moved up to the site name.
Of course, this makes the page look less cluttered. But I do miss the hints, to which webpage a click really takes me ...
#Bing #SERP #search #seo #searchengines
Anyone experiencing problems with a site search, combined with num= parameter?
Normal search says 4000+ results, but when adding num=100 in the URL for 100 results per page, I only get 3 pages. Where's the rest of the results?
End of June @rustybrick reported about larger product images for search snippets (https://www.seroundtable.com/google-larger-product-images-for-search-snippets-35612.html).
Now Google is at it again. This time they are not only showing new image variations, but surprisingly also mixing square and bigger 16:9 images on SERPs.
Seems to me that results with these square images will have a distinctively smaller chance to get clicks ... 🤔
#Google #SERP #search #searchengines #imagesearch #seo
For quite some time now, Bing has offered the possibility to directly search for selected phrases on their SERPs.
Now they have taken the next logical step: you can use ChatGPT directly in the SERP, too.
I guess this is mainly to draw people´s attention to their AI offering, as selected passages from snippets rather rarely will make very useful prompts.
My selection, of course, is a pretty poor choice, as ChatGPT quite clearly states ... 😂
#Bing #SERP #ai #ml #llm #search #seo #chatgpt
Microsoft Bing was talking about bringing its chat search to other browser besides Edge in future. And I think I just saw this for the first time.🧐
In Firefox a light purple box appeared at the bottom of a SERP. Entering a question resulted in a regular ChatGPT answer from Bing.
Will be very interesting to see, whether this could move the needle for adoption of their search engine.
#Bing #ai #search #SERP #llm #seo #searchengines #microsoft
Bing seems to be quite active in testing ad labels lately. Today I noticed an "Official" label in front of the URL of an advertisement.
It does not offer any further explanation about why it is considered official, but most likely it is related to their verification program for advertisers.
The label itself seems only to show for the first paid listing.
At least in this test, the "ad" label moved back to where it used to be ... 😂
#Bing #ppc #search #SERP #seo #ads #searchengines
First time I have seen Google displaying results on an image SERP separated by meaning.
For words with multiple meanings, they were showing the first two lines for certain unique meanings and from the third line onwards for "Other results".
#Google #SERP #imagesearch #seo #search #searchengines
Bing is giving the bookmark-like version of logos in the left column even more space in another design test. This time they are adding the domain name and a green check mark.
The bookmark is animated and fading in from the main column, expanding to the left.
This new layout makes individual organic results very easy to spot. Besides, these bigger "buttons" might come in handy on touch devices.
Another SERP design test from Bing: since a couple of days they were displaying logos in front of the title in the left column. Today this was modified by showing a bookmark-like version of logos.
When scrolling down one sees the logo fading in from the right, making the SERP more lively.
The logo seems to be bigger than in previous test. A click on it brings searchers to the respective result.
Personally, I do like this design, as it better structures the SERP.
Bing seems to be running a new test on their first SERPs: besides blue boxes for sitelinks of the organic number one result, they were showing 2 grey boxes for some other results in the left column.
Possibly these boxes represent entities and main keywords of these pages.
At first glance I don´t see the advantage for regular users. So, maybe this is giving a glimpse into how Bing organizes results? Maybe it's not meant for the public?
#seo #Bing #SERP #search #entities
Bing seems to have a new feature on their video SERPs: upon hovering over one result, it offers a link ("More like this") to a specialized result page.
If it is a video from a YouTube channel, it also offers a link to a page, where more videos from that channel are displayed.
On this new page more videos from said channel are shown plus some basic key facts and a button to "Sign in to Follow".
Seeing a new rich element in the right column of #Bing SERPs: it seems to be a more graphical version of "Related searches" as it lets you swipe through some results.
A click on "See more results" only opens up a new Bing #SERP for the term in the headline. Not so sure this element is really helpful ...
Have not cared much about the "Trending on #Bing" element up to now. But this more visual integration at the top of a #SERP looks pretty cool.
Interesting also that they are integrating - seemingly totally unrelated German - ads in that element (see green arrows). Seems to need some finetuning ...
#Bing #SERP #seo #ads #ppc #search
#Bing is testing displaying the local map in the right column of SERPs. It seems this is only happening, if the local pack is shown directly at the top of a page.
This certainly gives the local pack much more #SERP real estate. And it is following again design choices #Google introduced earlier.