2/3 of the way through the #INSSconf2023 and I'm finding it a great experience between meeting like-minded people and learning new concepts it's a lot of fun. I've been jotting down paper and books of interest mentioned during the talks so my summer reading has grown exponentially. #Spirituality #Deise #SETUWaterford
#inssconf2023 #spirituality #Deise #SETUWaterford
Found the symposium on #synodality in #SETUWaterford today very interesting. Lots for me to "chew on" over the coming days. It's great how accessable it was but at the same time there were very few young people present and therein lies the problem #theology
#synodality #SETUWaterford #theology
@eobeara Would it give me a Teaching Council Registrstion? I've been looking at #SETUWaterford part time. Possibility of working relief in #SocialCare while studying for masters..