RT @AmandaFBelfast: I caught up with Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald ahead of her ‘Time for Change’ themed ard fheis speech. SF wants to be in govt both sides of the border. Asking for opp to bring change. DUP must end boycott. UK govt must stop dither. End days of partition… #SF22
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MaryLouMcDonald/status/1588987249525686272
RT @SortuIrunea: Beste behin ere, jazarpen polizialaren gainetik, herria gailendu da! Zorionak guztiei!
Euskal preso eta iheslariak etxera!
Ongi pasa jaietan!
#INDarra #SF22
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/pernandobarrena/status/1544639980764635136
Sanfermines de 1978: el azar y la necesidad https://loquesomos.org/sanfermines-de-1978-el-azar-y-la-necesidad/ #SF2022 #SF22 #Iruñea #Verdad #Justicia #Reparación
#SF2022 #SF22 #iruñea #verdad #justicia #reparación