The #rocketlab #BabyComeBack mission is a success!
All 7 payloads were deployed in their desired orbit and the booster was successfully recovered. Great job Rocket Lab!
We also learned a few things during the webcast:
First of all, the next launch is only in about 10 days!
If they managed to launch in 10 days, they would almost beat their launch cadence record of just 8 days.
Secondly we got to see official footage of the #HASTE launch!
#rocketlab #babycomeback #haste #space #NASA #Spire #SFL #rocket #electron #gospace
New paper, titled 'Lockdown scepticism: Australian and American doom discourse on Reddit', published as an online first article in the open access journal of Studies in Communication Sciences:
#Linguistics #CorpusLinguistics #SFL #communication #Reddit #CDA #argumentation
#argumentation #cda #reddit #communication #SFL #corpuslinguistics #linguistics
A new year, a new paper (available in Open Access!):
#Sage #COVID #TikTok #CorpusLinguistics #Appraisal #SFL #Pragmatics
#pragmatics #SFL #appraisal #corpuslinguistics #tiktok #Covid #sage
🧐 Penso sia ora di andare ad insegnare ai Brasiliani come si giuoca al pallone 🤣🤣🤣 #HoppSchwiiz #SFL #BrasileSvizzera #facciamocimale #mondiali #mondiali22
#hoppschwiiz #SFL #brasilesvizzera #facciamocimale #mondiali #mondiali22
Please don't ask me how I ended up being introduced to the world as a psychologist...
I am a #linguist (psycholinguist?) doing #linguistics stuff
All I ever wanted to do was study the #grammar of #toxicpositivity on #socialmedia using #SFL
This was the result:
#SFL #socialmedia #toxicpositivity #grammar #linguistics #linguist
Hi, I'm a linguist, affiliated with #TheUniversityOfSydney and #MacquarieUniversity (Australia)
My main research interests include #CDS, #SFL, #semantics #AppraisalTheory #corpuslinguistics
I recently published a paper on the #grammar of #toxicpositivity on Facebook and am currently working on an #appraisalanalysis of negation in #Reddit discourse surrounding the Australian #climate election
My research assistant is called Mr Magz #cats
#linguistics #CorpusAnalysis
#CorpusAnalysis #linguistics #cats #Climate #reddit #appraisalanalysis #toxicpositivity #grammar #corpuslinguistics #AppraisalTheory #semantics #SFL #cds #MacquarieUniversity #TheUniversityOfSydney #introduction2