«Tu peux pas, la veille, te frotter les pieds pendant 45 minutes pis devenir bon! Non! Faut en faire un petit peu à chaque jour!»
Starfield, Elite: Dangerous, Metal: Hellsigner, FRACT OSC. Le #podcast 348 est sorti!
#JeuxVidéo #Jeux #j1v #Starfield #NoMansSky #EliteDangerous #MetalHellsigner #Whiplash #FractOSC #SGDQ2022
#SGDQ2022 #FractOSC #Whiplash #MetalHellsigner #elitedangerous #nomanssky #starfield #j1v #jeux #jeuxvidéo #podcast
Everyone is masked at #SGDQ2022. No one seems bothered.
Be like gamers, mask up and shut up!
Running Man: “You cheated not only the game, but yourself…” #SGDQ2022
All that from Nabooru is unused dialogue?! It had cinematic camera cuts and everything, so it certainly looks finished. #SGDQ2022
I went from "speedruns are dumb" to watching GDQ content regularly at breakneck speed. Watching #SGDQ2022 this year and did a painting of everyone's favorite Blue Blur (Samus using speed booster ofc)
#art #mastoart #CreativeToots
#CreativeToots #MastoArt #art #SGDQ2022
Watching the #SGDQ2022 borderlands 2 and I just realised...
I really get tiny tina. She's basically my repressed personality from when I was 12.
Holy SHIT the Stepmania mods showcase going on right now is UNREAL!!! #SGDQ2022
Glad that the silly block ended up in the hours I’m actually awake for this time #SGDQ2022
#SGDQ2022 Well, this does indeed look like a highly realistic and down-to-earth simulation of a deer's daily activities.
#SGDQ2022 Ooh, looking forward to this Pokemon Emerald Chaos Edition - a completely random evolution with every single level up.
#SGDQ2022 I had forgotten just how good an abridged Lord of the Rings this Return of the King game was - quite rare to see that much care and effort put into licensed stuff.