@Framasoft #SICT day 5 —The Ephemeral Museum
Free/Libre by @valem https://stph.crzt.fr/res/sict-bonus.pdf
(please help in improving the English translation)
#SICT day 5 —The Ephemeral Museum
#lownum #UPLOAD @ptilouk @Framasoft
#SICT day 5 —The Ephemeral Museum
#LesLibres @hervelc @gee @Framasoft
#SICT https://www.sictdoctoralschool.com/program-2022#titre-jour-3
"Digital technologies as zombie and obsolete futures: alternative perspective for the Global North" by A. Monnin
Digital technologies have the image of an expected future, aren’t they an obsolete future instead? We are designing the present world around digital technologies, aren’t we going to regret it as we shall regret the way we designed our cities around cars…
#SICT https://www.sictdoctoralschool.com/program-2022#titre-jour-3
Degrowing Science — Exploring the future of research and science : what are the opportunities and challenges of degrowth
non-neutrality of science ; publishing system dysfunctional ; multi-disciplinarity ; deceleration