@debruine @emilynordmann
these slides are great.
Thanks for sharing these resources!
(I'm especially happy to find these since I wanted to attend to a talk about this at #SIPS2023 (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qtDocponZJUQQAN3Cec63tEWO3v5gDvHjekZ-q0iolw/edit) but it was in a parallel session and I couldn't find the recording)
#SIPS2023 - and my first SIPS - is over, so it's time to go through my notes and do some reflection and recollection. I wrote most of this on the train back. Some of these notes will be quotes that stuck with me the most or insights that (I think?) I've taken away.
This is going to be a longer thread, so I'm hiding most of the text behind content warnings, so it doesn't mess up your timeline (helpful advice from @doctorow), hope it works...
Here goes:
Super happy with my first attendance to the SIPS conference! #SIPS2023
Collaborated in some hackatons, saw perspective-changing unconferences and attended a wonderful workshop on the use of Git & GitHub for researchers!
Super happy my first attendance to the SIPS conference! #SIPS2023
Collaborated in some hackatons, saw perspective-changing unconferences and attended a wonderful workshop on the use of Git & GitHub for researchers!
@improvingpsych I love networking people so it's been really cool to connect people from my different social circles #SIPS2023
Today is the last day of #SIPS2023! What has been your favorite part of the conference?
Tonight we meet in via Niccolò Tommaseo 59 at 19:30 sharp! The address is the main entrance of the Padova exhibition center (“Fiera di Padova”). The pride village is hosted within the rooms and spaces of the exhibition center. It is important you are there on time because Massimo has to distribute the paper-bracelets and plastic-coins that identifies SIPSs attendees for free food and drinks. #SIPS2023 https://maps.app.goo.gl/fi7w6t9sYu2aEP5u5?g_st=iw
Do you need some cool stickers? Stop by the registration desk to support Quala Lab (https://qualalab.org), CREP (https://www.crep-psych.org/), and the Federation of Education Hubs (https://federationofed.wordpress.com/)! (We also saw some @ResearchEquals stickers but those might be all taken now.) #SIPS2023
What a fantastic first day at #SIPS2023 !
Sense of belonging in the sea of plurality—I missed this feeling 🐳
Be sure to access the Zoom links through the online Zoom event portal. Direct links to Zoom sessions will likely not work! #SIPS2023
If you missed the opening plenary, that's okay! We forgot to hit record (whoops), but president Crystal Steltenpohl ( @cnsyoung ) has her comments up here: https://cnsyoung.com/sips-2023-presidential-address/
In person participants can check the Slack or head to the registration desk for information on how to connect to the internet! #SIPS2023
I guess #SIPS2023 is a good opportunity to finally get active on Mastodon.
This is my first time at SIPS and I'm very excited to find out what all the fuss is about! Especially keen to get to know the different session formats.
If you'd like to meet up, I'm presenting at the poster session on Friday (9 am, room 1L).
On the Bergen ReproducibiliTea meeting on Monday, Ali Teymoor presented the "Metascience is not enough" paper, followed by an interesting (almost heated!) discussion: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/10892680221083876
Reading the #SIPS2023 programme on my way to Padova, I get the impression that metascience is addressing the challenges raised in that paper: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eeyRx6oxVDWwgUYGTZKIuWVNJfqqjx3O6RTN08SulvU/edit#gid=1435057465