Gerade auch aus europäischer Perspektive mit dem Blick auf das US-Engagement.
RT @ashleytownshend@twitter.com
I’m pleased to share my new @IISS_org@twitter.com analysis with @jamescrabtree@twitter.com on the state of US defence strategy, alliances and partners in the Indo-Pacific, launched at #SLD22.
It’s a sobering read. A🧵on why we’re so worried about the trajectory of US strategy. 1/https://www.iiss.org/publications/strategic-dossiers/asia-pacific-regional-security-assessment-2022/aprsa-chapter-1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ashleytownshend/status/1536589357095993349
@ulrichspeck @chipmanj I would say (one of) the most important question(s) on so many minds at #SLD22 was: How can preemption and prevention strategies avoid an Asian repetition of the Ukrainian experience?
#SLD22 brought together 575 delegates from 59 countries, including 32 ministers.
#PRC discussants at #SLD22 repeatedly push the narrative that U.S. & EU engagement with the Indo-Pacific principally amounts to interference and injects tensions and dangers into an otherwise peaceful region. Indonesia was, as far as I heard, the only country to partly echo that.
The last speech of #SLD22 comes, as is the tradition, from MinDef Dr. Ng. "More dangerous world since we last met in 2019." He talks of a "receding tie of global cooperation". How to avert disaster? Ng warns against believing that the center of international tensions would be ...
RT @joshrogin: Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe: “Taiwan is first and foremost China’s Taiwan… China will definitely realize reunification.” This is why leaders like @ZelenskyyUa are calling on the world to help Taiwan now: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/06/11/zelensky-calls-for-support-taiwan-before-china-attacks-ukraine-russia/ #SLD22
RT @IISS_org: While China’s pressure on Taiwan grows, European capitals are increasingly aware that a cross-strait crisis would have direct political, security and economic ramifications for the European continent.
Read the research paper | #SLD22
#CAN MinDef Anita Anand, participating in the 7th ( and last) panel at #SLD22, gives more prominence to the climate change dimension of international security than any other person on main stage. Announces the creation of a NATO Center of Excellence on #Climate & Security in CAN.
Should military action be taken in the Black Sea to guarantee that shipping of grain from Ukraine would not be blocked in international waters by Russia, asks @chipmanj at #SLD22. Yes, says Lord Sedwill (UK). No similar clarity from the Durch MinDef. She complains about Putin.
Some surprise: Dutch Defense Minister Ollongren says at #SLD22 that she heard Chinese General Wei "condemning" the war in Ukraine, and how happy she is about that. She must be the only person in the hall with the hallucination.
RT @jamescrabtree: Lots of interest in Ava Soh, the talented 16 year old Singaporean designer who made the tshirt @ZelenskyyUa wore at @IISS_org #SLD22 yesterday.
She had no idea thus was coming until Zelensky started speaking at 4pm - an inspiring story.
More here 👇
RT @StuartKLau: Reinhard Bütikofer, a member of the European Parliament blacklisted by Beijing, asks Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghe a question at #SLD22.
... responsibility of the United States. He does not answer, why the PRC acts as if the souvereignty of less powerful states only comes with a rebate. His criticism is exclusively directed against arms supply to Ukraine and against sanctions on Russia. #Article51UNCharta #SLD22
Asked, whether China will use force against Taiwan inly in case of secession, but not to alter the status quo, General Wei emphasises goal of peaceful unification with Taiwan. Then adds that the PRC will not accept secession, and therefore reserves all options. Not new. #SLD22
General Wei unashamedly peddles Russian lies about Russia's war of unprovoked aggression against Ukraine without the slightest nuance. #SLD22
General #Wei, China's MinDef, claims at #SLD22 that PRC stands for universal peace, opposes use of force or even threat thereof, represents real democracy and real freedom. China represents a culture of "peace, amity and harmony". - And #Butscha and #Xinjiang are heaven on earth!
#Wei #SLD22 #Butscha #xinjiang
RT @IwonaPiorkoEU: President @ZelenskyyUa addressing Shangri-La Dialogue #SLD22 in 🇸🇬: Russia’s war against Ukraine is not only about Europe, it is about globally important things (…) particularly the system of international law which we have today. #StandWithUkraine
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Andrew_JacobsEU/status/1535752465928560641