Plants on which I’ve killed #SLF [#SpottedLanternFly} nymphs this week: Roses, viburnum, mock orange, black walnut, grapevines. Methinks I’m going to need a bigger supply of Safer Insecticidal Soap…. #InvasiveSpecies
#SLF #spottedlanternfly #invasivespecies
Merry, Merry! #WhiteChristmas #SLF #StiffLittleFingers
#whitechristmas #SLF #stifflittlefingers
Let's start with the single that meant the most to me back in 1980. Stiff Little Fingers - At The Edge. I'd just left school and this encapsulated everything I was feeling at the time. A true #punk classic. #SLF #PunkRock #punkrockhistory @historyofpunkrock @Sarahw @DarcusWolfe
#punk #SLF #PunkRock #punkrockhistory