📢 Are you a European entrepreneur, start-up, or a #SME interested in the defence sector❓
#EUDIS🛡️ provides support to
💡Challenge your idea
⚙️Test and accelerate your innovation
💶Facilitate access to finance
Learn more at
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/defis_eu/status/1686315130177384448
📢 New #SingleMarket call open!
Are you a food processing #SME interested in boosting the uptake of resource-efficient technologies and countering food inflation in the EU🍏💶?
Our new call is for you!
Apply by 28/09, more information 👇
https://europa.eu/!pTGpD7 https://t.co/rD9d4IEqSK
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_EISMEA/status/1681216116264255494
Are you an #SME (small or medium-sized enterprise)? We need your🫵 views!
The European Commission has launched a survey to assess market practices on sustainable finance.
🗓️You can still respond until 28 July!
#EUHaveYourSay here➡️ https://europa.eu/!p8JfkR
#EUwithSMEs https://t.co/nsy7QXDB89
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Growth/status/1679772267041964034
#SME #EUHaveYourSay #EUwithSMEs
RT CDU/CSU in Europa
Einen Befreiungsschlag für den #Mittelstand fordern Jens #Gieseke u. @markuspiepermep für das #SME Relief Package der @EU_Commission
#KMUTest #Belastungsmoratorium #oneinoneout
Mehr hier ⬇️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CDU_CSU_EP/status/1679414955404062721
#Mittelstand #Gieseke #SME #KMUTest #Belastungsmoratorium #OneInOneOut
Re I’ve called on COM to:
➡️finally come up w/ the #SMEReliefPackage, which we’ve been waiting for since 2022,
➡️start to put into practice the "Think small first" & "1️⃣ in 1️⃣ out" principles.
W/o a strong EU #SME sector, there's no 🇪🇺economy, no 🇪🇺competitiveness & no 🇪🇺prosperity.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GyoriEniko/status/1679128064398180355
"SME Performance Review Annual Report" has been published by the @EU_Commission.
The report provides thorough information on the performance of SMEs with a focus on the priorities set out by the SME strategy and the SBA.
For more: https://intellectual-property-helpdesk.ec.europa.eu/news-events/news/just-released-annual-report-performance-european-smes-2023-07-06_en
#SME https://t.co/UZNGw2NPOq
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IPRHelpdesk/status/1678393803361734656
📣We've published the first article in our series, "Plant Breeding Success Stories," featuring interviews with influential figures in the plant breeding industry & related fields.
👨🔬 In this article, we meet #NovaSiriGenetics, an Italian research #SME.
🔗https://cpvo.europa.eu/en/news-and-events/articles/plant-breeding-success-stories-nova-siri-genetics https://t.co/r3vjxRTG2s
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CPVOTweets/status/1676221396400107521
RT Milena Angelova
Lively discussion on our own-initiative opinion: how to help #SME to uptake modern business #responsibility & be prepared to meet the #CSRD non-financial reporting obligations as from Jan 2024 - being part of a value chain or when searching for finance w/ @kylahte @ferre_wyckmans https://t.co/Ebta2zKz3t
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilenaAngel23/status/1674841249969209357
Re Uzņēmējdarbība prasa enerģiju smagam darbam, drosmi uzņemties riskus un radošas idejas. Lai ikvienam mūsu uzņēmējam to ir pārpārēm!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/IneseVaidere/status/1673667466449256449
RT Rania Labaki
Which concrete actions to support #SME transfer in #Europe ? Answers to this question, among others, on my way back from the @RenewEurope Business Days at the @europarl_en !
@EDHEC_BSchool @EDHEC_fbc @Mdlabajova #familybusiness #entrepreneurship
👉 https://www.edhec.edu/en/research-and-faculty/edhec-vox/4-questions-rania-labaki-about-succession-european-smes https://t.co/HR9VPhmIMf
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ranialabaki/status/1673571871391113216
#SME #Europe #familybusiness #entrepreneurship
RT Alena Mastantuono
Entrepreneurs have a double job. Firstly they run their business, secondly they deal with regulation. With these words @Mdlabajova opened today #SMEIntergroup meeting in the @europarl_en on #BetterRegulation #Regulatoryburden #SME https://t.co/9NgzMO68m5
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AlMastantuono/status/1673579482479841280
#SMEIntergroup #betterregulation #RegulatoryBurden #SME
Joint launch event of the four European #AI #TEF s (Testing Experimental Facilities) for #Health #Agrifood #ManufacturingSmartCitiesCommunities streaming now 👉 :
https://www.danskindustri.dk/brancher/di-digital/events-og-netvark/arrangementer/2023/tef-kick-off-juni/ #healthcare #AI #sanboxes #testing #data #SME #experimentation-as-a-service https://t.co/lxIsrngiRH
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eHealth_EU/status/1673621768668422144
#AI #TEF #health #agrifood #ManufacturingSmartCitiesCommunities #healthcare #sanboxes #testing #data #SME #experimentation
Unlock the potential of your #SME with EU support tools! Find funding 💰, gain insight 📘, access training & partnerships 🤝, and receive expert advice🎯. The EU has a range of resources to back your business journey.
Learn more: https://europa.eu/!QnhHTk https://t.co/VzB1CiOTzT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/YourEuropeEU/status/1673579427467522049
RT European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME
📣 We're delighted to announce the participation of:
✅ former Polish Minister & MEP @MichalBoni
✅ MEP @brandobenifei
✅ MEP @lukasmandl
✅ former MEP Paul Rubig at our #SME2B Forum!
🤝 Join us as we drive forward the EU #SME agenda! 👇👇
https://www.european-entrepreneurs.org/sme2b-business-forum-europe-2023/ #andcompetitive https://t.co/IRH2kTJG8j
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CeaPme/status/1673323725125476355
Do you run an #SME & are you eager to adopt new manufacturing techniques?
@pulsateeu launched a call to select 1⃣8⃣SMEs interested in adopting laser-based advanced & additive #manufacturing technology.
The aim is to boost digitalisation in the industry👉https://europa.eu/!FYqTXv https://t.co/WTcLGjJR5I
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CORDIS_EU/status/1671817965191274498
Re 3. #SME Relief package should be published finally, while applying the "Think small first" and "One in one out" principles in practice.
COM should let businesses breathe so that it does not kill completely European competitiveness.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GyoriEniko/status/1668994903441911811
#DYK that EMA has a dedicated office to address the specific needs of small companies? 🏢💊
By providing regulatory advice and training, we support SMEs that develop innovative medicines.
Find out more in the #SME office annual report 2022
➡️https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/report/small-medium-sized-enterprise-sme-office-annual-report-2022_en.pdf https://t.co/uBMjW8Kwwr
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EMA_News/status/1671493310882430976
Amazon creates Opportunity for Europeans across EU Member States [Promoted content] https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/opinion/amazon-creates-opportunity-for-europeans-across-eu-member-states/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Amazon #employees #investor #jobs #SME
#amazon #employees #Investor #jobs #SME
When you buy at #Amazon, here is what you sign up for (on top of supporting one of the largest commercial #surveillance operations of all times):
#monopoly #bigtech #sme #workers #unions
#amazon #surveillance #monopoly #bigtech #SME #workers #unions
RT @easipc: Our local MP for Northampton South @ALewerMBE is up now talking at the annual @tisca_uk conference about his current involvement on the Education Select Committee alongside other reflections #SME #Northants #EdTech #CyberSecurityAwareness https://t.co/t0EEeHnWg5
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ALewerMBE/status/1668595954046386177
#SME #Northants #edtech #CyberSecurityAwareness