Ceterum censeo...
EAT SHIT, #VilhelmJunnila.
#Finland #SOSracism
#vilhelmjunnila #finland #SOSracism
Ceterum censeo
#Noagendasocial needs to get its bloody act together. Way too many hate-filled homophobic and racist enemies of democracy over there.
Is that instance even being moderated, or are they living the same firebrand of extreme #freespeech as #MadElon does?
#noagendasocial #freespeech #MadElon #SOSracism
Ceterum censeo
#Noagendasocial needs to get its bloody act together. Way too many hate-filled homophobic and racist enemies of democracy over there.
Is that instance even being moderated, or are they living a the same firebrand of extreme #freespeech as #MadElon does?
#MadElon #noagendasocial #freespeech #SOSracism
graphic online depictions of sexual assault, as well as homophobia, racist imagery, and life-threatening intimidation — like telling targets to kill themselves — “are a growing part of the Chinese Communist Party’s toolkit of digital transnational repression.”
Minus the sexual assault depictions it's all in the toolbox of the #AltRight fuckheads and minions as well. Sadly this toxic scum is active on this platform as well. To hell with them.
"Olijk blani"? Die maloten van White Live Matters #Nederland moeten maar eens zien dat hun racistische haat-leuzen ook op de achtergrond passen.
Alles happy hate year?
Te veel te zeggen?
Zwijg dan maar!
Stelletje randdebielen.
#SOSracism #rotterdam
#nederland #SOSracism #rotterdam
Hating everything that is unlike you is not an indicator of any level of self-confidence, isn't it?
But then again hating on others is what truly bonds the collectives of immature rightwing trolls with their heads full of shit.
United in hatred - must be quite a sorry existence, really.
#SOSracism #blocklist
Thursday seems to be the day where the deeply disturbed and deprived are allowed to use that one PC in the mental asylum.
The rightwing trolls are out, begging to get either muted or blocked. Depending on how bad their insults are.
Their enemy stereotypes are still very telling - of them, not of the people they attack.
#blocklist #SOSracism
No one ever claimed that trolls are smart or care about facts and details, right? It's all about triggering, attempted character assassination and mobbing up against others. How utterly lame.
For the record: No one goes to #Taiwan for sex tourism. And folks with a brain know the difference between Taiwan and Thailand. You're welcome.
#blocklist #SOSracism
Update on my #blocklist
Instance poa.st has been blocked entirely. Too many nasty trolls on that one to be a coincidence.
Seriously, this platform is getting so much better today. Thanks for all the little rightwing trolls for rearing up their ugly mugs. It's a whack a mole evening, clearly so.
#blocklist #SOSracism
Thanks for answering the question if you should also be part of my #SOSracism #blocklist.
Yes, you should. Now shove it.
And on the 2nd day of xmas, rightwing trolls go out to...
tell liberals to commit suicide.
Seriously wrong.
#blocklist #SOSracism
@theorytoe @sinabhfuil @curiousthinker
Just make sure to keep me in the loop so I can work on my #blocklist. #SOSracism
And the next pisshead to be blocked for being very rude.
Note the very typical enemy stereotypes: another anti-intellectual homophobic knuckle-dragger, just great.
#blocklist #SOSracism
DON'T be fooled by nice words such as "relocate" and "exile". this is about ethnic cleansing, about forced displacement of people, about vile exclusion and violence.
THESE are enemies of our liberal, democratic society. The FBI should go after these folks and deal with them. Very robustly so.
Don't wait for this scum and their day x when the violence starts. Act before they can kick shit off!
#SOSracism #rightwingextremists
#SOSracism #rightwingExtremists
Warning: Steer clear of this account. Rightwing extremist with a very high level of self-pity and hatred against state.
#SOSracism #blocklist