'Chasing #SOTA via a Remote Station'
"This might stir some controversy. It is allowed to chase SOTA via a remote station. I always make sure to say that I'm chasing via remote so there's no confusion for the activator about where I am chasing from. Here I work K7ATN on two SOTA summits in the Portland, OR area.
Thank you to NR7Y for maintaining and giving access to his remote station in Beaverton."
Another two #sota summits in the bag. Both were bush bashing up some rather steep hills so I’m feeling it now
Idly browsing sotl.as and scheming once again. I’ve never done an overnight hike but these plans demand it so time to practice some new skills I guess #sota
36 chatty SSB QSOs in 2.15 hours! First QSO was a summit to summit w/ Flagstaff Arizona on 15m. Ended the afternoon with a summit to summit to Montana on 20m with considerable QRM.
Lots of QSOs with the Rocky Mountain states which I love and even one or two in Oregon. Lots of Midwest, and as always lots of Georgia and South Carolina.
talked with a few QRP stations, including one in the UK. The bands were hot today!
Doing a #SOTA currently on 21.288. great cross country propagation today. Will likely be going up to 12 and 10 m and seeing how they do. But for now parked on 15.
Okay so, first off thanks #sota for an awesome discovery of a park 20 mins from my house!
Whelp, couldn’t hear any chasers, if there were any. But even with the “fail” of an #sota activation I had a blast out here at iller creek. Photos when I’m back on Wi-Fi
Very Type-II fun combo #SOTA / #POTA three-fer this afternoon on the Appalachian Trail in Green Mountain National Forest in southernmost VT after a local hamfest. Lots of QSOs on 20m, including several local groundwave(?), and really great 2m QSOs. Managed a barely-copyable summit-to-summit with operators across the continent on San Juan Island, WA!
The AT is never not muddy here, but in spite of clear weather the skies still opened up on me as soon as I reached the summit. Got chilly!
Taken a new person out for their first #sota activation. Couldn’t even reach the summit due to impenetrable regrowth. Luckily had success on the second summit
Holiday #sota chaser mode engaged. (There may or may not be snoozing in the shade involved).
#SummitsOnTheAir #AmateurRadio #morsecode #elecraftkx2
#SOTA #SummitsOnTheAir #AmateurRadio #morsecode #elecraftkx2
Back to Picota EA1/CT-101 for more #sota fun this morning. Tried the #elecraftAX1 on 40m for the first time, but wouldn’t get a good tune - suspect there is a longer radial I forgot about. Weirdly wouldn’t tune on 20m either, even though it did fine in the same spot a few days ago? After some faffing resorted to EFRW on the old fortifications wall and ground. Few contacts round Europe and some S2S action. Home via the coffee shop.
#SummitsOnTheAir #amatuerRadio #hamradio #morsecode
#SOTA #elecraftax1 #SummitsOnTheAir #amatuerradio #HamRadio #morsecode
Turns out the next accommodation on our Spain holiday also has a #sota summit a short hike away, what are the chances? ;-)
This time La Picota EA1/CT-101. #elecraftkx2 and #elecraftAX1 combo and #morsecode getting me a few contacts round Europe on 20M and 17M.
Hope to be back there again before our week is up.
#SummitsOnTheAir #amatuerRadio #hamradio
#SOTA #elecraftkx2 #elecraftax1 #morsecode #SummitsOnTheAir #amatuerradio #HamRadio
More holiday #sota #SummitsOnTheAir fun. This time La Viorna EA1/CT-063 in the #picosdeeuropa, straight from La Viorna campsite. Lovely weather, beautiful views and plenty of room at the top. 20M #morsecode got me quite a few contacts, including Carlos @IU1KGS . Two more on 10M, when I tried 40M didn’t even get spotted by the #reversebeaconnetwork ? First time out with #K6ARK EFRW which I built to band hop with #elecraftkx2, seemed to do well in poor propagation conditions.
#SOTA #SummitsOnTheAir #picosdeeuropa #morsecode #reversebeaconnetwork #k6ark #elecraftkx2
#sota #SummitsOnTheAir summit Malmasin EA2/BI-064 is easy to get to on the Metro from the centre of Bilbao. You can sneak out early, get five #morsecode contacts in on 20M just before the heavy rain shower and be back at your hotel with coffee, hot chocolate and pastries for the family before check out time!
Activation was cut short due to the heavy rain shower. I felt a bit rude shutting down so soon, but it was raining pretty hard and I hadn’t bought anything to keep the rig dry.
#SOTA #SummitsOnTheAir #morsecode