I get this is a way random pull from S4E8 Stranger Things but the use of the Vangelis' "The Bounty" Opening Credits in the War Zone scene and using the sounds of the shopping cart to mirror the original music might be the most coolest amazingest wowzest thing I have ever seen-heard. OMG that is amazing.
#strangerthings #vangelis #thebounty #SOUNTRACKS
https://omdaru.blogspot.com/2022/11/the-best-of-visual-neoclassical-omdaru.html - The Best of Visual #neoclassical #OmdaruRadio project - 2022 ( #ModernClassical, #newAgeMusic ) #classialMusic #ambient #sountracks
#Christmas #Jazz 2022 - Visual #neoclassical Omdaru radio project presents - Every half an hour on Esperante Radio - 17/11/2022- 14/01/2023
Esperante Radio
http://s02.radio-tochka.com:4020/stream #esperanto
#newagemusic #neoclassical #omdaruradio #modernclassical #ambient #christmas #jazz #esperanto #classialmusic #SOUNTRACKS