@Camille_Poulsard Excellente nouvelle, n’est-ce pas? Adopte à la dernière minute, juste avant l’ajournement pour l’été! #CDNPoli #SPCA
The Charmaine Wolmarans story wraps up with part three: "The silence of the ducks".
When animal rescue becomes animal abuse. Charmaine Wolmarans was running 'Pixies Animal Rescue' from a rented property in Dairy flat. While she has no resource consent, complaints to SPCA, Police and Auckland Council seem to go nowhere.
Then there's her theft of other people's dogs. (Read the story).
Her latest business is called 'Smallpawz'.
#womarans #nz #dairyflat #smallpawz #animalabuse #SPCA
They can tell you the age??? Now I'm very interested for a different dog. We were told he was 10 when we got him but current vet thinks he was more likely 13. Now about 16 years.
#RescueDogs #SPCA #chihuahua #deerchihuahua #shelterdogs
Cop Rescues 60 Animals From A Fire And Then Adopts One | The Dodo
#Dogs #DogRescue #PublicService #SPCA #FeelGood
(No violence)
#dogs #dogrescue #publicservice #SPCA #feelgood
"Imagine if you are fleeing a situation that is dangerous, abusive, harmful. You know in your mind you would be leaving an animal that would then be exposed to that harm as well."
A group that helps domestic abuse #survivors has a partnership with the local #SPCA that allows #women escaping abusive homes to have their #pets cared for: https://bit.ly/3Wo1vbQ
#survivors #SPCA #women #pets #domesticviolence
My favorite old pup at the East Bay #SPCA in Dublin is Bananny. Today we celebrated her anniversary at the shelter.
https://youtu.be/_S4-rzUcMKQ She loves playing tug, sniffing stuff, naps in laps, but not other dogs.
@jerseysugar I've been seriously considering #SPCA, as I think that would be a good experience for us both. I've known other folks who have fostered for them. Have you ever volunteered there? Is it that cool one up on the mountain?
@krisis Yeah that makes it hard, ay! Maybe you & the kid could volunteer at #SPCA or #HUHA four some quality cat time? Theres a really cool cat cafe in Lower Hutt called #NekoNgeru that's worth a visit, too.
Ich hatte heute ein verletztes junges Kaninchen auf der Ausfahrt vom Park and Ride Busbahnhof in Ellon gefunden. Es saß auf dem Asphalt und hatte kaum noch Kraft. Hab dem Typen im Häuschen mit dem Wartebereich bescheid gesagt, weil ich erst das eine Auge für möglicherweise infiziert hielt, nicht dass dort eine Krankheit herrscht von der Behörden wissen sollten.
Der hat dann #SPCA Scotland angerufen und innerhalb einer Stunde kamen die und haben es in einem Pappkarton zum Helfen mitgenommen.