Tomorrow's Skeleton Code Machine is a crash course in making compatible content for MÖRK BORG.
I unfortunately had to cut some images for post length, so enjoy this one that didn't make it. Toot toot.
#morkborg #MÖRKBORG #cy_borg #MÖRKTOBER #rpg #ttrpg #SRD #compatible #license #thirdparty
#MorkBorg #CY_BORG #morktober #rpg #ttrpg #SRD #compatible #license #thirdparty
It is so fun looking through the #SRD I've been working on for the #NoxEngine #TTRPG and getting to the various systems that get me going like, what the hell was I thinking when I wrote this?
#GhotiGames #TTRPGDesign
#SRD #noxengine #ttrpg #ghotigames #ttrpgDesign
Da ich demnächst bei einer lokalen #FATE-Runde in #Kiel (probe-)mitspiele, schaue ich mal wieder in die #SRD, um meine eingerosteten Kenntnisse zu ölen. #pnpde
Als ich das Spiel das letzte Mal spielte, machte es bei einigen Regelaspekten (sic!) nicht recht klick bei mir. Vielleicht ja diesmal.
Da ich demnächst bei einer #FATE-Runde (probe-)mitspiele, schaue ich mal wieder in die #SRD, um meine eingerosteten Kenntnisse zu ölen. #pnpde
Als ich das Spiel das letzte Mal spielte, machte es bei einigen Regelaspekten (sic!) nicht recht klick bei mir. Vielleicht ja diesmal.
Während der Beschäftigung mit #Blackswordhack ist mir aufgefallen, dass einige der im #SRD angegebene #Entfernungen doch arg unrealistisch sind.
"... zu Pferd 55 km ..." als Stundenleistung! Das Pferd, welches das schafft und überlebt, ist noch nicht geboren.
Aus diesem Grund hab ich mal herausgesucht, welche Entfernungen zu Fuß, beritten, mit Karren, Booten und Schiffen wirklich realistisch sind. /1
#blackswordhack #SRD #Entfernungen
D101 Games has released its OpenQuest SRD under a Creative Commons License
This bodes well for next month's exploration into making my d% based game.
I say exploration, because I am focused on running games and worldbuilding for the Cypher System.
So, when designing a new #ttrpg one of the first things I do is design the character sheet. Just to get a visual of what it’s going to look like.
For Xiongguo (not the final name), I did it without writing a line of rules. Sure, I’m using the #FreeLeague #stepdice #SRD but there are a heap of specialised rules to work on. Not least the “magic/spirituality” system.
This is also the first game I’ve worked on where I have collaborators. That’s an interesting twist. #ttrpgDesign
#ttrpg #FreeLeague #stepdice #SRD #ttrpgDesign
Hat sich jemand schonmal eine griffige, deutschsprachige Definition/Beschreibung für #SRD (System-Referenz-Dokument) ausgedacht?
Ich brauche das für das SRD von #TunnelGoons, mir fällt es schwer, das knackig zu umschreiben. #pnpde
"El SRD 5.1 de D&D pasa a ser Creative Commons". Suspiros de alivio en la grada rolera.
#roleplaying #DungeonsAndDragons #OGL #SRD
#SRD #ogl #dungeonsanddragons #roleplaying
Not to my immediate use, but:
Someone helpfully put all the 5.1 SRD spells and monster stats in CSV file format:
Some good news. The community wins the licensing battle. I don’t need to worry about more restrictive terms for my project encoding the SRD ruleset!
Now I just need to get back to work on it!
#WOTC haven’t really given anything they already had given. The #SRD for #5e was originally available under the #OGL, which was originally irrevocable.
Now the SRD is available under the Creative Commons License, so WOTC can’t revoke it. But the original OGL had the same status until WOTC attempted to revoke it. So they haven’t really given anything up.
And saying the OGL 1.0 is irrevocable again, when it was actually that in the first place?
So, thanks for nothing, WOTC 😂
I predicted that #wotc and #hasbro would not be able to fight open source community. As even giants like #Microsoft have had to adapt.
But I did not believe they would both: realize the situation, or just 'start swimming' this fast.
Kudos for their actions.
Whole #DD €5E #SRD. With an open, free, license (CC-BY)
Time to start mirroring, just in case their resolve falters 😀
#wotc #hasbro #microsoft #dd #SRD
Can someone help with a question I have about the #SRD amidst this new #OGL announcement? I've heard you can't copyright game rules, but does releasing the SRD under Creative Commons mean that the class, race, spell terminology can be referenced by third party supplements into perpetuity? Does releasing the SRD under CC actually do anything?
In case you haven't heard, we won with #DnD. They are leaving the #OGL 1.0a in place. But the bigger victory is that all of the 5.1 #SRD is released under #ccby4 which is irrevocable.
Their effort to tighten control backfired so hard that they had to give up control they already had.
@DnDFanatics yeah, I think you missed the major point is that the #ogl is now dead; the #dnd #srd is now available under #creativecommons . The goal of #opendnd has been achieved.
#ogl #SRD #creativecommons #opendnd #dnd
I’ve got at least one other project that takes priority, but I feel like I should make something out of the newly Creative Commons SRD.
#opengaming #opendnd #SRD #creativecommons
The #srd is such a small amount of content that putting it under #creativecommons has only benefits, and zero cost -- rules can't be copyrighted, and the #ogl was perpetual. Many other games already use CC. Negative association with brand doesn't make sense, as the SRD doesn't contain any brand stuff.
Another upside, is that it leapfrogs the #opendnd and #orc crowd -- so are Paizo #pathfinder, #SavageWorlds, Chaosium #basicroleplay all now going to move to Creative Commons as well? That would be great.
#SRD #ogl #creativecommons #opendnd #orc #pathfinder #savageworlds #basicroleplay