RT @azizamtara
#FahimeSadatHashemi, a math teacher in Shiraz, was arrested by security forces in front of her house & after 9 days of detention, she was transferred to the central detention center of Adel Abad, Shiraz. Her condition is unknown. #SS35 #R2PforIran #فهیمه_سادات_هاشمی #مهسا_امینی
#fahimesadathashemi #SS35 #r2pforiran #فهیمه_سادات_هاشمی #مهسا_امینی
RT @Anita_Hugging
#MaryamBalalpour, financial management student, was kidnapped by IR security forces in Dec 12. No news, and her whereabout is still unknown. Be her voice.
#maryambalalpour #SS35 #factfinding
RT @BNA07860786@twitter.com
@AzadiRojan@twitter.com 21 yr old Sina Naimi from Diwandara;student of Kurdistan Uni of Medical Sciences' operating room, was kidnapped by government forces on Sunday 6 November 2022 in the university campus, & there is no information about his fate and whereabouts. 2 b investigated #UnFactFinder #SS35
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BNA07860786/status/1597932182617874432
RT @BNA07860786@twitter.com
#SS35 7 prisoners executed yesterday. 4 of them are; The names of four people who were executed in Zahedan Central Prison
1_Nasser Omarzahi 2_Mohammad Amin Omarzahi "Jama" 3_Anoushirvan Omarzahi 4_Abdullah Salahzahi......#MahsaAmini #IranRevolution https://twitter.com/fariba312/status/1597182753308831746
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BNA07860786/status/1597187208540454913
#iranrevolution #MahsaAmini #SS35
RT @BNA07860786@twitter.com
#SS35 This is: Both absolute photos of #محمداقبال_نائبزهی Baloch child laborer without birth certificate killed on Bloody Friday of Zahedan by IRGC #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution https://twitter.com/chief_japp/status/1597169391648780289
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BNA07860786/status/1597188699808493569
#iranrevolution #MahsaAmini #محمداقبال_نائبزهی #SS35
At its 35th special session, the @UN Human Rights Council decided to create a new fact-finding mission to investigate "alleged #HumanRightsViolations in the Islamic Republic of #Iran related to the protests that began on 16 September 2022."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/hildebentele/status/1596296755317964800
#HumanRightsViolations #iran #SS35
RT @UN_HRC: #SS35 | The @UN🇺🇳 Human Rights Council adopted a resolution establishing an independent international fact-finding mission to investigate alleged #humanrights violations in #Iran🇮🇷 related to the protests that began on 16 September 2022.
Watch the video of the VOTE⬇️
RT @UNGeneva: "We are now in a full-fledged #HumanRights crisis," @UNHumanRights chief @volker_turk said at a special session of the Human Rights Council #SS35.
The session was called to address “the deteriorating human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of #Iran 🇮🇷."
By the way, these are the NGO guys, sitting behind me. Thank you for the lively discussion over lunch break and even more: all the work you are doing!
RT @iranhr: همراه با یکی از حامیان بزرگ مردم ایران در این روزهای سخت و باشکوه ، هانا نیومن نماینده آلمان در پارلمان اروپا، و همکار عزیزم کامبیز غفوری- قبل از رای گیری شورای حقوق بشر در مورد ایران @KambizGhafouri @HNeumannMEP
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/HNeumannMEP/status/1595790195613368320
RT @UN_HRC: #SS35 | @UN Human Rights Council Establishes Fact-finding Mission to Investigate Alleged #HumanRights Violations in #Iran Related to the Protests that Began on 16 September 2022.
READ @UNGeneva's meeting summary ➡️https://www.ungeneva.org/en/news-media/meeting-summary/2022/11/afternoon-human-rights-council-establishes-fact-finding-mission
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1595859315034030080
La liste des votants NON est… caricaturale.
RT @UN_HRC@twitter.com
At its 35th special session, the @UN@twitter.com Human Rights Council decided to create a new fact-finding mission to investigate "alleged #HumanRightsViolations in the Islamic Republic of #Iran related to the protests that began on 16 September 2022."
#humanrightsviolations #iran #SS35
RT @UN_HRC@twitter.com
At its 35th special session, the @UN@twitter.com Human Rights Council decided to create a new fact-finding mission to investigate "alleged #HumanRightsViolations in the Islamic Republic of #Iran related to the protests that began on 16 September 2022."
#SS35 #iran #humanrightsviolations
At its 35th special session, the @UN Human Rights Council decided to create a new fact-finding mission to investigate "alleged #HumanRightsViolations in the Islamic Republic of #Iran related to the protests that began on 16 September 2022."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/beatrizbecerrab/status/1595811061592195073
#HumanRightsViolations #iran #SS35
Loud applause in room as #HRC’s resolution to establish a new fact-finding mission to investigate human rights violations in #Iran is adopted. Thank you, #HRCSS #SS35 - though last minute oral changes proposed by #China threatened to unravel this crucial initiative.
At its 35th special session, the @UN Human Rights Council decided to create a new fact-finding mission to investigate "alleged #HumanRightsViolations …
#humanrightsviolations #china #SS35 #hrcss #iran #hrc
#SS35 | 🔴NOW at @UNGeneva:
- the @UN Human Rights Council is holding a SPECIAL SESSION on "the deteriorating situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of #Iran”.
WATCH live the second part of the meeting and action on the draft resolution⤵️ https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1lPJqBWnQQAxb
RT @Omid_M@twitter.com
Here are a few of the many young people who have lost their lives in the past 2 months during the protests in #Iran. The Islamic Republic has killed more than 340 people, including +40 children, throughout the country. This must stop! #SS35 #IranRevoIution #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی
#مهسا_امینی #MahsaAmini #IranRevoIution #SS35 #iran
RT @anneschlack
Meine Kolleg*innen von @AmnestyIran tweeten jetzt live von der Sondersitzung UN Menschenrechtsrat in Genf zur Lage im #Iran. #SS35
Hochkommissar @volker_turk: Mehr als 300 Tote, davon mindestens 40 Kinder. Das ist nicht hinnehmbar. 14,000 wurden verhaftet, auch Kinder in Schulen https://twitter.com/AmnestyIran/status/1595702798146052097
We are appalled by the imposition of the #deathpenalty against protesters in #Iran. The use of force by the security forces against nonviolent protesters, incarceration of children at “psychological centers” and “preventative” detentions of activists is unacceptable. #SS35
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1595723236419198976
Women and girls, in particular, have emerged as a major driver of a nationwide movement calling on the authorities to uphold the human rights of all Iranians. Iran must stop the violent crackdown on protests & ensure access to information, incl unrestricted internet access. #SS35
RT @UN_HRC: #SS35 | 🔴NOW at @UNGeneva:
- the @UN Human Rights Council is holding a SPECIAL SESSION on "the deteriorating situation of human rights in the…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1595709878659678211