STEPN-Guide-autoload adds functionalities to "STEPN Guide":
• Autoload from URL with parameters (and so allows to bookmark your data)
• Description field
• Type of socket fields
• Choice of #Solana, #BSC and #Ethereum chains
• Table of gains
• Current prices (updated each minute) and conversion between 🪙 #SOL, #BNB, #ETH, #GST, #GMT…
#STEPNGuide is an online "tool for determining strategy" in the #moveToEarn 📱🏃 #STEPN
#Move2Earn #STEPNGuideAutoload #stepn #movetoearn #STEPNGuide #gmt #gst #eth #bnb #sol #ethereum #bsc #solana
STEPN-Guide-autoload adds functionalities to "STEPN Guide":
• Autoload from URL with parameters (and so allows to bookmark your data)
• Description field
• Type of socket fields
• Choice of #Solana, #BSC and #Ethereum chains
• Table of gains
• Current prices (updated each minute) and conversion between 🪙 #SOL, #BNB, #ETH, #GST, #GMT…
#STEPNGuide is an online "tool for determining strategy" in the #moveToEarn 📱🏃 #STEPN
#Move2Earn #STEPNGuideAutoload #stepn #movetoearn #STEPNGuide #gmt #gst #eth #bnb #sol #ethereum #bsc #solana
STEPN-Guide-autoload adds functionalities to "STEPN Guide":
• Save/load data with URL
• Description and gem fields
• Table of gains
• Current prices (updated each minute) and conversion between 🪙 #SOL, #BNB, #GST, #GMT…
#STEPNGuide is an online "tool for determining strategy" in the #moveToEarn 📱🏃 #STEPN
#Move2Earn #STEPNGuideAutoload #stepn #movetoearn #STEPNGuide #gmt #gst #bnb #sol