@jakob_thoboell @GoingNuts @Korallenherz
Was @AufstandLastGen und auch Sie nicht kapieren:
Mit #Cops redet Mensch nur dann, wenn es rechtlich notwendig ist.
#NotLegalAdvice aber jede*r Anwält*in wird einem dazu raten:
#STFU gilt nicht nur am #STFUfriday!
#STFUfriday #stfu #notlegaladvice #cops
@autonomysolidarity Ferner gilt:
- #STFUfriday ist 7 Tage die Woche!
- #Anwält*in zur Rate ziehen!
#notlegaladvice #anwalt #zeugenverlangen #nichtsunterscreiben #zeugnisverweigerungsrecht #STFUfriday
@rose EXACTLY!
Also never admit to anything - even if it's not #STFUfriday!
@vitaminsludge @ayo Just do the #STFUfriday playbook:
- Not discussing my day!
- Am I being detained?
- Am I free to go?
- Have a nice day...
@kitsunecafe been there, done that.
You don't need to provide them more than license, insurance, ID and that's it.
#STFUfriday style...
@Radical_EgoCom true, true...
Not just on #STFUfriday.
@rodhilton Yeah, don't do that. Also remember to STFU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEeId0EG-XE.
#STFUFriday #NSFW language
Happy #STFUFriday This is disturbing in a number of ways. The surveillance of protesters is so wide and intrusive that it seems almost impossible to escape the dragnet. But let's use this to take action to best protect ourselves in future actions.
This is going to be a very long thread, so I apologize ahead of time and will put CW on the follow-up posts so not to completely clog your timelines.
@Popehat how does someone of Baldwin’s resources not know about #STFUfriday ? https://www.emilypostnews.com/p/full-video-alec-baldwin-sheriff-interview