DISA releases the first Ansible STIG
#redhat #ansible #disa #STIG #opensource #automation
Big news! Andreas Wolter shared.. The #AzureSQL Database #STIG was released today.
Download from the DISA website: https://public.cyber.mil/stigs/downloads/ #DatabaseSecurity #DoD
#AzureSQL #STIG #databasesecurity #dod
I was wondering is there any interest in a script + man page / checklist page for setting OpenBSD parameters in line with CIS Centre for internet Security / STIG parameters. I know this sounds silly at first reading .. but it would be good to have a script set and man page to set parameters such as
log rotation / retention, umask, terminal banners, screen locks / unattended log out timers ... its for IT admins with 1000 other things to worry about and they can say #CIS #NIST #STIG