The fishing sector is dependent on stable supply of #FossilFuels at low prices and is facing major challenges in the #EnergyCrisis.
Policy options for decarbonising the fisheries 👉 https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2023/740225/EPRS_STU(2023)740225_EN.pdf
#STOAstudy by @RISEsweden https://t.co/fTgTu2nkMO
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_ScienceTech/status/1669631987697500161
#FossilFuels #EnergyCrisis #STOAstudy
RT @EP_ScienceTech: 🔴📖New #STOAstudy!
There are lessons to be drawn from recent crises and risk management strategies to be revised to take 🇪🇺#OpenStrategicAutonomy from concept to reality, especially in #agrifood, #energy security, #semiconductors & #satellite comms.
👉https://t.co/QeJZn6PZ9k https://t.co/CrSC26pBhe
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Technology/status/1664251841339695109
#STOAstudy #openstrategicautonomy #agrifood #energy #semiconductors #Satellite
RT @EP_ScienceTech: 🗓24/5 17h
#STOAstudy presentations to @EP_Environment on #pharmapackage:
✅Creation 🇪🇺#publichealth body
✅Drug accessibility #AMR #rarediseases
✅#IP rights
✅#Research coherence
@rosadamato634 @MicheleRivasi @linagalvezmunoz @weisspernille @woelken
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/linagalvezmunoz/status/1660644394662350849
#STOAstudy #PharmaPackage #publichealth #AMR #RareDiseases #ip #research
RT @EP_ScienceTech: What impact do #biases have on datasets used to support decision-making systems based on #AI?
How to avoid and mitigate them?
#2022 #STOAstudy➡https://epthinktank.eu/2022/08/10/stoa-study-on-auditing-the-quality-of-datasets-used-in-algorithmic-decision-making-systems/
@Davide__Cirillo @BSC_CNS @idemiguelb @linagalvezmunoz @IIIACSIC @10GarciaHiguera
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/linagalvezmunoz/status/1609216684593651714
RT @EP_ScienceTech: Access restrictions & automated customisation for individuals & groups have resulted in differences in the internet content & services that are available to users.
#2022 #STOAstudy➡https://epthinktank.eu/2022/07/13/stoa-study-examines-internet-fragmentation-in-the-context-of-eu-policy/
@MEP_Ehler @linagalvezmunoz @marinakaljurand @franmusiani @LucienCastex
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/linagalvezmunoz/status/1608530796746346496
RT @EP_ScienceTech: 🔴📽 [LIVE]
▶'Strategic #CrisisManagement in Europe' ppt by EC Chief #Science Advisors @SAPEAnews & #EthicsGroup_EU
▶#STOAstudy 'Social approach to the transition to #SmartCities'
@linagalvezmunoz @toiapatrizia @MEP_Ehler @BPrainsack
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/linagalvezmunoz/status/1603313377786449920
#STOAPanel #crisismanagement #science #EthicsGroup_EU #STOAstudy #smartcities
Hoy se ha presentado en #STOA, el panel científico de Parlamento, un estudio sobre el Fortalecimiento de la investigación de la UE🇪🇺 en materia de salud que pedimos. @Socialistas_PE
Para acceder al estudio👇
RT @EP_ScienceTech: 🔴🎥STARTING SOON!
'Strengthening EU research in health'
#STOAstudy presentation & discussion
Watch live👉https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/webstreaming/panel-for-future-of-science-and-technology…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/linagalvezmunoz/status/1595708756272508928
RT @EP_ScienceTech: The #NewEuropeanBauhaus bridges the worlds of #science #tech & #arts to create a better future.
New #STOAstudy: a qualitative assessment of the #NEB policies👉https://epthinktank.eu/2022/07/14/the-new-european-bauhaus-the-way-forward/
@emanuelebompan @elisabetta_tola @pieropelizzaro @EITeu @ClimateKIC @MEP_Ehler @weisspernille
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/WeissPernille/status/1547581543706533891
#NewEuropeanBauhaus #science #tech #arts #STOAstudy #NEB
We have been involved in #NewEuropeanBauhaus since its launch and have been making 🇪🇺 more beautiful & sustainable together with #EITCommunity!
RT @EP_ScienceTech: The #NewEuropeanBauhaus bridges the worlds of #science #tech & #arts to create a better future.
New #STOAstudy: a qualitative assessment of the #NEB policies👉https://epthinktank.eu/2022/07/14/the-new-european-bauhaus-the-way-forward/
@emanuelebompan @elisabetta_tola @pierop…
#NewEuropeanBauhaus #EITCommunity #science #tech #arts #STOAstudy #NEB